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Kaier Zhang 201100143

CH8: Negative Messages

The Three-Step Process for writing negative messages
1. Planning
2. Writing
3. Completing
What is a negative message?
Convey the message
Gain acceptance
Maintain goodwill
Promote a good corporate image
Minimize future correspondence
Analyze the situation
Determine your purpose
Profile the audience
Gather information
Choose a medium
Organize the message
Maintain a you attitude
Build credibility
Avoid accusations
Convey respect
Write clearly
Be sensitive
Revise the content
Produce a professional message
Proofread the message
Deliver the message
Developing Negative Messages:
Type of approach
Cultural variations
Type of audience
Ethical standards
The Direct Approach:
State the bad news
Give reasons
End with a positive close
The indirect writing plan
Prepares receiver for negative news

Gives details concerning decision

Relates negative news
Using positive words
Sets favorable tone
Makes message acceptable to receiver
The Indirect Approach:
Begin with a buffer
Follow with reasons
State the bad news
End with a positive close
Begin With a Buffer:
Things to do
Show appreciation
Pay attention
Compliment reader
Be understanding
Show sincerity

Things to avoid
Saying no
A know-it-all tone
Wordy phrases
Lengthy buffers


Logical Explanation
Relates coherently to the opening buffer
Presents convincing reasoning
Stresses receiver interests and benefits
Uses de-emphasis techniques
Is positive
Provide Reasons and Information:
Guide your readers
Provide support
Suggest benefits
Minimize policy
State the Bad News:
De-emphasize the bad news
Use a conditional statement
Focus on the positive
Close With Confidence
Keep it positive
Limit future correspondence
Remain confident and optimistic
Cultural Differences
Proper tone
Message organization
Cultural conventions

negative message

Using the indirect plan for a Variety of Purposes:

Request refusals
Adjustment refusals
Credit or loan refusals
Unsolicited negative messages

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