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Digital Storytelling Matrix

Colorado Academic


for Students


While learning
about the property
for finding an area
of a rectangle, I ask
my students to
record themselves
solving the area of a
rectangle I provide
them. The students
are asked to email
me a 30-60 second
presentation that
explains their
method and
reasoning for their
6. Technology
operations and
a. Understand and
use technology

1. Number Sense,
Properties, and

2. Patterns, Functions,
and Algebraic
3. Analysis, Statistics,
and Probability
4. Shape, Dimension,
and Geometric

I create a video
presentation that I
upload to YouTube
to help students,
step by step, on
how to use
properties to solve
for missing angles
in a polygon. This
video provides the
students with a
visual walk
through to help
them successfully
complete their

Understand and
Through the uploading
of their video, the
students are
demonstrating to me
that they understand
not only how to solve
for the area of a
rectangle, but that
they are also capable
of using technology to
create a video

Through the utilization
of my YouTube video,
the students are able
to better understand
the ideas presented
and discussed in
class. This video also
is a reference for the
students to come back
to as many times as
needed to explain the
key concepts.


Student Use


assignment for
that night. This is
also a great
resource for
parents if they
need a refresher
on geometric
3. Model digital
age work and
b. Collaborate
with students,
peers, parents,
and community
members using
digital tools and
resources to
support student
success and

Reading, Writing, and Communicating

1. Oral Expression and

In learning about
the history of oral
storytelling, I ask
the students to
create a video of
themselves telling
their favorite oral
story they were told
as a child. The
students can also
retell their favorite
fairytale if they do
not have a favorite
oral story. They will
then submit their
videos onto our
classroom website,
and will be asked to
watch two other
classmates stories
and write a short
response to their
2. Communication
and collaboration
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of

The students are
given the freedom and
flexibility to tell
whatever story they
please, in whatever
manner they please.
They demonstrate
their ability to be
creative and unique.

media and formats

2. Reading for All

3. Writing and

In learning about
the importance of
an intro, body,
and conclusion
paragraphs in my
research paper, I
create a digital
story board that
explains each
paragraph. I use
drawings and
pictures to make
the material less
informal and
easier to
understand. For
example, in
discussing the
intro paragraph, I
would show a
picture of a
hamburger bun
and use the
analogy that this
is the first thing
we bite into when
we eat a
hamburger, and
that will be the
first thing I bite
into when I read
their paper. I
upload the video
to YouTube and
have my students
watch it before
taking a brief
online quiz.
2. Design and
develop digital
age learning
experiences and
d. Provide
students with
multiple and
varied formative

The students
demonstrate their
understanding of what
the outline of their
research paper should
consist of after
watching the video
and taking the quiz.

and summative
aligned with
content and
standards, and
use resulting data
to inform learning
and teaching

4. Research and
Social Studies
I allow my students
to organize
themselves into
groups of 5 before I
assign the group a
famous president. I
then ask my
students to create a
5-10 minute video
that takes the class
through the
presidents life and
details the most
important events in
his life. The
students will either
post their video to
YouTube or bring in
a flash drive for our
Journey Through
History video day
to show their
1. Creativity and
b. Create original
works as a means of
personal or group

1. History

2. Geography

In teaching about
the 50 states and
capitals in the
United States, I
teach my students
a song to help
them remember
all the states and
capitals. I record
myself singing the

Understand and
The students not only
demonstrate their
ability to analyze a
famous presidents life
and pull out
significant events, but
to also create a video
presentation that
details the presidents

Remember and
The students, after
watching the video
multiple times, will
being to remember
the song when we
sing together in class
and will also
understand that each
state has a matching

song while also

pointing the
camera above a
map and pointing
to each state and
capital I sing. I
then upload the
video onto our
classroom website
so the students
have unlimited
access to the song
in case they
1. Facilitate and
inspire student
learning and
d. Model
construction by
engaging in
learning with
colleagues, and
others in face-toface and virtual

capital. They will also

remember the shapes
of the states and their
locations on the map.

3. Economics
4. Civics
1. Physical Science

In learning about
different the
structures of
chemical bonds in
our chemistry unit, I
ask my students to
pretend they have
their own
Chemistry Talk
Show and record
explaining the bond
of water. I will send
the students home
with toothpicks and
marshmallows to
exemplify the
bonds. After they
finish their talk
show they will

Understand and
The students will
demonstrate their
understanding of not
only the chemical
bond of water, but
also their ability to
create an effective
video that clearly
communicates their

either have the

option to send their
video to me via
email or to share
with the class.
1. Communication
and collaboration
b. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively to
multiple audiences
using a variety of
media and formats

2. Life Science
3. Earth Systems

I create a digital
story board that
explains the
process of the
water cycle. Each
stage in the cycle
will have a
different picture I
draw to create a
better visual
understanding for
the students of
what occurs at
each stage. The
video will be
uploaded to
YouTube, and the
students will be
asked to watch
the video before
writing a brief
reflection of their
own interpretation
of what occurs
during each cycle.
3. Model digital
age work and
a. Demonstrate
fluency in
systems and the
transfer of current
knowledge to new
technologies and

After watching the
video the students will
be able to
demonstrate their
understanding of the
water cycle by
explaining each stage
in their own words.

Learning Disabilities -

I break my


Physical Disabilities
Gifted/ Talented

students up into
groups of 4, with
each group
containing of
variety of diverse
learning styles
and abilities. The
students are then
asked to create a
2 minute video for
the class about a
mammal that I
assign to them
during our
Mammal Unit. The
students will then
create a video
about their
mammal and
include whatever
points they feel to
be most
appropriate. I give
the students full
creativity over the
assignment and,
by asking the
students to work
in groups, value
and equalize all
learning abilities.
I ask my students to
make a brief 1-2
minute video of
them doing some of
their favorite things
as a getting to
know you activity
at the beginning of
the year. By doing
this I am not
restricting my
students to simply
telling me about
themselves over
pen and paper, but
allowing them to
show me who they
are as an individual
in whatever way
they wish.

Reflection: I remember, in Elementary School, I was asked to create a group video project and I felt very intimidated at first- just
as I did with last weeks assignment. However, both times I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun and creativity can be
contained within a video project. While making this matrix, I also realized how fun video projects could be in my own classroom
someday. I have greatly benefited from videos teachers have made in the past, and I definitely plan to incorporate my own video
presentations into my classroom. I also feel as though my students will benefit greatly from video presentations because they are
so accustomed to the digital world already.

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