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Taylor's University College

School of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Design & Professional Skills B
May 5 to July 11, 2008

Pressure Distribution around a Hollow Cylinder in a Wind Tunnel

Drag generated on a cylinder is an interesting phenomenon. This project aims at
illustrating how is the pressure distribution is related to the drag generated.

Details of the Study

Your task include
1. Reviewing of the phenomena of aerodynamic drag on a hollow cylinder. The review
should tackle the source of drag and methods of assessing and measuring it.
(Although you are allowed to use Wikkipedia, your Chief Engineer would like to see
that you checked other sources for information especially Engineering Journals and
2. Building test models for the wind tunnel.
3. Building a multiple manometer to measure the pressure at various ports around the
circumference of the cylinder.
4. Performing a flow visualisation study to assess the flow structures around the
5. Drawing conclusions.

Project Work 45 Marks Group Effort
Report 30 Marks Individual Effort
Portfolio 15 Marks Individual Effort
Presentation & Viva 10 Marks Individual Effort
Detailed Mark Allocation
Project Work
Every group is to submit a project which could be a physical artefact or otherwise,
depending on the nature of the project assigned. The overall project is assessed as
Achievement of objectives 20 Marks
Contribution to the team 10 Marks
Innovation 5 Marks
Time management 5 Marks
Safety 5 Marks

Every student is to submit a technical report outlining the work undertaken by the group,
emphasising his (her) personal involvement and contribution to the group work. This is
aimed at improving the students’ technical communication skills.
Correct Format 5 Marks
Error-Free Language 5 Marks
Effective Introduction 3 Marks
Relevant Report Body 6 Marks
Proper Discussion & Conclusions 5 Marks
Proper Figures and tables 3 Marks
Referencing 3 Marks

Every student will keep a Personal Portfolio. This would be a compilation of sketches,
minutes of meetings, PPC, and any other documents related to the project and prepared
by the student.
Clarity and Relevance 5 Marks
Originality 5 Marks
Effectiveness 5 Marks

Presentation & Viva

Each student will be assessed through and oral presentation and interview.
Clarity of Presentation 4 Marks
Knowledge of the Project 6 Marks

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