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Olaya Fernndez Guardia


One thing I would like to say first of all, is that I expected the reading to be more psychological,
by this I mean that I would like to know more about the emotional and psychological process
of children development rather than physical traits or processes during this development or
Saying that, the reading was focused on aspects such as changes of the body, differences
between both sexes, duration of the changes, brain's development and its parts, etc. However,
I've missed more information of how environment can transform or vary natural outputs that
are genetically written. In other words, jut in few cases, there has been mentions about the
effects of environment such as the case of the motor skills that made a good point of how
social influences make society have certain expectations on one gender more than on the
other one. This part is what I have found more interesting due to is more about social scope
and less about theoretical information.
However, it is true that before talking about how other environments can influence in
someone's development, it is important to understand what it is really going on and in which
sense, society can make changes and therefore, develop in some way or another.
As I have said before, the reading part was pretty much theoretical and explained
characteristics of the human body that make reference to the physical growth of children but
in my opinion, there is not enough emphasis on the emotional development throughout the
pass of the time. During the reading it is explained how hormones and part of the brain such as
the cerebral cortex or other brain structures and its stimulation will determine more or less
the range of development of children but I think that it could be more focused on how
surrounding aspects can actually stimulate these structures so as to get a fully development or
how to get the most profit or how to strengthen these structures that according to the reading
are very sensitive to environment influences.
So, in conclusion the reading was not as I expected but I understand the point of knowing and
having more information of the procedures, the process and the aspects that take part in the
children's development process. A negative point that I would highlight is the one I presented
before that I missed more references to environmental influences such as the ones presented
in the worldwide variations part.

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