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(Inquiry Template)

Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Rogowski

Subject: Social Studies

Grade: 4th

Strand 4:
CO 5
PO 1: Describe human dependence on the physical environment and
natural resources to satisfy basic needs.
Strand 1:
CO 3:
PO3: Describe the location and cultural characteristics of Native American
tribes (e.g., Oodham, Apache, Hopi) during the Spanish period.
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text. (4.RI.1)
ISTE Standard:
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate
digital tools and resources that promote student learning and
Strand 4:
E-6: making connections to text heard or read (i.e., text-to-self). (science,
social studies)

SWBAT describe the lifestyle of Great Plains Native Americans
and the impact of their environment.
Evidence of Mastery:
Students will receive at least a 6 out of 7 on their exit ticket.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (knowledge, skill, purpose):

Analyze why Native Americans settled in the Great Plains

Describe living situations of the Native Americans of the Great
Identify everyday routines of Native Americans of the Great
Key Vocabulary:

Colored Pencils

Engage - In this section you should activate prior

knowledge, hook student attention, pose a
question based on your lesson objective that
students will seek to answer in Explore.
Teacher Will:
T: Imagine that you had to
move at a moments notice.
Each time you moved, you
only had a short time to pass
before you had to move again.
How would it make you feel?
What things would you bring
with you?

Students Will:
S: Take the sheets of paper that
are in the middle of their tables.
S: Draw a color, symbol, picture
that would represent how they
may have felt on the move.
(Imagine Section)

S: Some student responses

T: In the middle of your tables may include:
you have a sheet of paper that
My color chosen is blue,
says color, symbol, and
because if I were on the
move I might be sad to
leave everything behind.
T: On this picture you are
I chose happy as my face
going to pick a color that might
because I am excited for

represent how you would feel

in this situation, for example if I
felt angry I may choose the
color red to represent that. If I
feel sad, I might pick blue.
T: In the next column you see
emojis with different faces,
pick the face that would show
how you might feel in this

the new adventure to


S: Share with their shoulder

partner what they picked and
why, responses will vary.

S: Students who volunteer will

T: In the last column it says
be called to share theirs to the
picture, in this you are going to class.
draw a quick sketch of what
moving around might look
T: If I were going to do one, I
would pick red because
moving so many times would
irritate me. I would pick the
upset face, and I would draw a
suitcase because that picture
shows me what moving
around looks like.
T: It will be your job to pick a
color that you think represents
the emotion, an emoji and
draw a picture that represents
moving around. If you have
time you can write a sentence
for each explaining why you

chose that color, emotion, and

T: This is just a quick sketch, I
am going to give you about 3
minutes to complete this
worksheet. Afterwards a few of
us will share out to the class.
T: I would like you to share
with your shoulder partner and
discuss what you picked and
SWBAT describe the lifestyle
of Great Plains Native
Americans and the impact of
their environment.
T: As we continue with this
lesson, I want you to think
about how the lifestyle of
Great Plains Native Americans
was effected by their
T: Today we will be discussing
the Native Americans of the
Great Plains. Our objective is
describe the lifestyle of the
Great Plains Native Americans
and the impact of their

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Explore - In this section students should take the lead
and actively use materials to discover information
that will help them answer the question posed in
Engage. Teachers may choose to give steps to follow,
especially for younger students, but the goal is for
students to discover some or all of the sub-objectives of
the lesson.
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

T: Now I would like you to pull S: Take out the worksheet that
out a paper that looks like this is located in the center of their
it says Native Americans of the table.
Great Plains.
S: Work with their partner in
T: In order to complete this
order to answer the question.
activity, I have selected pairs
for you to work with. In order to
fill out this worksheet you will
need to read pages, 58-62.
S: Some of their short answers
may vary.
T: You will read this text with
your partner and answer the
*See attached for possible
questions on this worksheet. answers.*
S: Come back together, to
THIS ON DOC CAM: The first discuss their answers.
part of this worksheet asks you
to define the words to know,
next there are true and false
questions, with this all you
need to do is circle, which is
the correct answer. The next

couple questions are short

answer, so you need to write
down 1-2 sentences. Lastly,
you see a chart on this you will
write at least 2 key details for
T: When I say my key word,
Go you will find your partner
and answer these questions,
you will have 10 minutes to get
this worksheet completed.
T: After the 10 minutes,
teacher will go over the
answer, by using the power
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Students are paired by having a low struggling reader with
a higher reader, some adjustments need to be made based
upon behavior issues.
Explain In this section students share what they
discovered, teacher connects student discoveries to
correct content terms/explanations, students
articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct
understanding of the lesson sub-objectives by
answering the question from Engage before moving on.
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

T: Review answers by using

S: Participate in answering

the power point and prompting questions

student responses.
(Teacher may pull sticks)
T: Teacher will have a copy of
power point to help guide
*See attached for detailed
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
A variety of students will share out loud what they received
for answers.
Evaluate In this section every student demonstrates
mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not
mastery of the elaborate content). Because this also
serves as a closing, students should also have a chance
to summarize the big concepts they learned outside of
the assessment.
Teacher Will:
T: Present seesaw video that
explains what students will be
doing. .
T: I will give you about 5
minutes to work on your
seesaw and save it
T: I would like you to turn to
your shoulder partner and
T: How was Native

Students Will:
S: Open Seesaw creating their
own important aspect, in this
students will draw a picture of
one thing they feel is most
important, then explain why.
S: Watch teacher example, that
was created.
S: Turn to a shoulder partner
and discuss what they put, then
some may share out loud.

Americans of the Great Plains

lifestyle effected by their
S:Students may share out a
variety of answers such as:
T: Now you are going to go
Horses were brought that
into your McGraw Hill, and
allowed them to hunt and
take your exit ticket. On your
follow their food.
desks I have taped your
Bison was used for various
username and password for
reasons, such as for food,
you to login. If for some reason
clothing, shelter, etc.
you cannot login, I have some
Children were taught skills
printed tests for you as well.
to prepare them for
S: Take their exit ticket on the
McGraw Hill app. If students
cannot login, they will be given
a printed copy to use.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Share their answers with a partner, discussing different

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