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Michael Kavalchuk: kavalchukm@wit.

Joe Mottiqua:
Lauren Ruggles:
Kyle Romich:
Khalil Chehab:

Initiation Phase Document

The Human Resource department at Wentworth Institute of Technology currently has no
platform for their data. They have been manually entering data into a spreadsheet. There is a
need for an Human Resource system to track all this data. Faculty data includes items such as
tenure, date started, classes they are teaching/ have taught, contact information, and basic profile.
Business Need:
Need for Human Resource system that tracks all facets of faculty data including working dates,
classes taught, payment information, who they report to with the addition of other information.
The Human Resource department currently doesnt have a platform to track their data. The
system needs to be able to make data driven decisions and keep the data current.
-Tracks faculty data including: Tenure, date started, classes they are teaching/ have
taught, contact information, basic profile, payroll information
Supporting Facts:
The current system in place for tracking faculty data is obsolete, as they are currently using excel
spreadsheets which are highly inefficient. The implementation of a new system will save both
time and money by making tasks within the department efficient. These will also help increase
the communication between the many departments within Wentworth and will lead to greater
accessibility of employee files. A more efficient process will lead to time and cost savings,
simplification of course registration process, and greater communication transparency between
departments. A new system will also clearly define the management structure of all faculty to
simplify task delegation.
There are few options to consider for a system. They can use a third party vendor, or not change
the way they keep their data now. We will look at the scope of each platform, and compare costs.

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