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Isabelle Hoffman - Cougars

Kim Davis Argument - AAA
Thesis Statement - The government arrested Christian woman for living according to her faith.
- Line 7
1. On line 8 He says This is wrong. This is not America, right after the thesis
statement that I put. He is saying that what the court said to her and what she had to do
goes against what America stands for and what the law says which is completely untrue
because Gay marriage is legal SHE was going against what the law says.
2. On lines 14 - 16 He says that people are forced to choose between honoring their
faith or complying a lawless court opinion. However, She she knew that what she was
doing was illegal so its kind of obvious that they would arrest you regardless of your
religion. Which they say the opposite of in the thesis statement.
3. On lines 40 - 45 He says that The people who are prosecuting Kim Davis do not
believe in Christian Values but once again.He is trying to say that she shouldnt have
gone to jail because of her religion.
I disagree with his statement because first of all Im a huge supporter in equality amongst the
LGBT community. Also I am really questioning why anyone's religion would stop them from
being punished for something wrong that they did. Cruzs argument may just be opinions
however, I dont think he should try to use these accusations and try to bring in other topics that
are irrelevant to this topic and try to pass them as facts. This reminds me sort of of an ethos
argument because he is trying to make it sound like hes using facts that are solid but they are
actually statements that he didnt back up with facts which would have made it a pathos
argument and much more credible. In my opinion I think that its not ok for your religious beliefs
to come in between your work life and to treat that situation the way she did.


Tyranny - cruel or oppressive government or rule

tut-tutting - To express annoyance or impatience
unequivocally - to admit no doubt in something
the beliefs traditions religious writings etc. By Christians and Jews.
oppression - expressing cruel manner

In the socratic seminar I was on the outer circle and I think that the group as a whole did pretty
good and I think we are really starting to improve in seminars because everyone was bringing up

really awesome topics that helped to bring the conversation to a different place than where we
used to get to in seminars. I noticed everyone was really opinionated and wanted to share their
opinions. Even I wanted to share opinions because this discussion and what Cruz was saying
really sparked thoughts in my mind.

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