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Name: ____________________

Science Quiz 1.3

Animals and their Parts
Directions: Circle the correct answer

1. Unlike most plants, animals cannot make their own _________.

a. food
b. water
c. oxygen
2. Animals _________ to their environments in more noticeable and effective
ways than plants.
a. structures
b. respond
c. danger
3. Animals have _________, or parts, such as legs, fins, and wings that help them
get what they need.
a. beaks
b. teeth
c. structures
4. Animals move to find food and water and to escape _________.
a. danger
b. weather
c. animals
5. Elephants use their trunks to pull _________ to their mouth.
a. plants
b. oxygen
c. beaks

6. Both lungs and gills are structures that help take in _________.
a. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide
c. plants
7. Animals must protect themselves from bad _________ or from other _________.
a. weather, food
b. weather, animals
c. teeth, animals

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on each line

A. beaks

B. teeth

C. strong legs

8. Animals such as wolves have _________ for running and jumping.

9. The structure that helps birds scoop up water is their _________.
10. Many animals have flat, back _________ for chewing.

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