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When a Tyra to slam into the surface ofits target worl, This impact will cause its gravid belly to spi fluids, Once its passengers have Been delivered, the ‘Tyrannocrte WEAPONS & BIOMORPHS: + Five deathspitters SPECIAL RULES: * Deep Strike +Fearless + Tnstinetive Fire (cee opposite) Drifting Death: Tyrannocytes cannot Run or charge. They can ‘consolidate but may not make a Sweeping Advance. d hive ship laun 4s Tyrannocytes, Though each spore appears to be ofits ewan fierce appetites. Spat from the quivering enfices ofthe hive ships in lw anit, the Tyranncyte thunders through the esa pre-digestive assault, sts creatures are transported to th rannocslef ‘Transport Spore: A Tyrannocyte does not ‘ure up a slot on the Force Organisation Chart. Itean carry a single unit with the Tyranids Faction and has a Transport Capacity of 20 Monstrous Creatures count 38 20 models for the purposer of Transport Capacity Declare which unit is being carried during deployment A Tyrannocyte always centers play Suike rules. If, when a the Deep, sapons that fring its crown spitting death as lane's surface by ten ‘more than a giant veiny sac, itis i facta creature unto itself — and one possessed tured shies disgonging the Tyranids inside in spray of grisly swith gaseous emissions anc flats eerily into the a, Theve it begins to Bed lendrils quest for pre Unit Type Unit Composition Monstrous Creature 1 Tyrannocyte Tyrannocyte Deep Sikes, it scatters on top of impassable lerrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter. distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle Once a Tyrannocyte Deep Strikes, a unit carried by it must disembark, Place the unit such that every model is wholly 3 within 6" of the Tyrannocyte and none are within I” ofan enemy of within impassable terrain, Any model that cannot be placed is removed asa casvally. A unit cannot move or charge in the same turn it disembarks, but can shoot or Run, No tnit can embark inside a Tyrannocyte for the rest of the game. OPTIONS: + May replace all five deathapitters with one of the following: + Five barbed stranglers 25 pis + Five venom cannons 25 po with even greater force than the Tyrannorytes they accompany. Once they make planefall the planet lke ticks digging in lsh. Once embedded, the microorganisms that denature its host plane's atmesphere until the air itself is ripe for digestion, reece out the flaccid spore forms they carry, these smaller boforms rapidly inflating to become either Sporoysts are ejected from their parent hive shi ious shells and burrow under the skin of they will spread ther sy When threatened, these creatures 4 cluster of Spore Mines ora larger, deadlier Mucolid Spore. Theve are persistent theories thatthe Spore el the Hive Mind's vavenous imperatives, veyst coughs cut clouds of pols st also acts as psychic resonators of sorts, Boasting the abilities of those synapse Beasts nearby toch WSBS'S T WI Ald Sy — Unittype Unit Composition Sporoeyst 2.25 5 6 S$ 3 8 4 MonstrousCreature 1 Sporacyst WEAPONS & Each weapon can fire ata Spore Node: A model with this special rule ean produce a BIOMORPHS: different target unit, but they Spore Mine Cluster (see Codex: Tyranids) with three Spore + Five deathspitters cannot be fired in any other Mines in the Shooting phase, in addition to any attacks it way or at any other time. makes, Place the Spore Mines wholly within 6” of the model, SPECIAL RULES: in unit coherency and notin impassable terrain or within I” of “Fearless Tmmobile Pod: A model with an enemy model. After they are placed, the Spore Mines are “Infiltrate this special rule cannot move, tweated as a separate unit for the rest ofthe battle, Ieean never go to ground Instinctive Fire: Each (oluntarily or otherwise) Once per battle, a Sporocyst ean produce a single Mucolid weapon on this model and cannot consolidate or Spore (pg 52) instead of a Spore Mine Cluster. This is automatically fires at the make a sweeping advance. _placed in the same way as a Spore Mine Cluster. nearest enemy anit within range and line of sight. The Paychie Resonator: Any OPTIONS: shots are resolved atthe end friendly Synapse Creature _* May replace all five deathspitters with one of the following, fof the Shooting phase before within 6° ofthis model adds - Five barbed stranglers Morale checks are taken, 6" tote synapee range, + Five venom cannons

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