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Zaber Malik

Dr. Buccellato
Honors 1000
November 29, 2015
Reflective Essay
Being a student at the Irvin D. Reid Honors is one of the best things that has ever
happened to me. The honors college assist students with valuable resources such as writing
centers, math tutors, and personal instruction. They give you guidelines on how to make
decisions to have the best college experience. The skills that the honors college teaches are
forever embedded in our minds. I will pursue a career in nursing all while attending the honors
college. I am focused on studying above and beyond the class material. The honors college
teaches me to be disciplined and mature. This is not an easy feat however, it is quite rewarding at
the end.
I attended high school at Cass Technical and while I was there I was awarded the Detroit
Urban Scholarship to attend the Irvine D. Reid Honors College. This opportunity has made me
humble and appreciative for all that I have been given. The honors college only accepted
students that had a sense of maturity, intellect, and discipline in their studies. I believe I am one
the selected students that meet the criteria. Through this opportunity I have gained real life
experience that will further my education and help me in my career.
My first course in the horns college was honors 1000 with Dr. Buccellato. This class was
extremely challenging but quite insightful. His enthusiasm for his teaching not only inspired me
to learn but my peers as well. Essay one was about writing a non fiction story containing a
character that immigrated to America. Essay two was about writing a research paper on the

Detroit renaissance center. Essay three was about how people perceive Detroit as a whole. This
class has taught me to analyze and use my critical thinking skills to think outside the box.
Honors 1000 required me think critically. It gave me the opportunity to show my writing
skills and allowed me to utilize my researching abilities. As a pre-nursing major I have to
understand the deficits that lie ahead of me. It does not get easier from here, however, I am ready
to face the challenges ahead. Honors 1000 has improved my writing, comprehension, and
reading abilities. The Irvine D. Reid honors college has shaped me into an upcoming Wayne
State alumni.

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