Follow The Leader

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Category: Fundamental Movements

Source: Games, Principles & Practice

Grade level: K-2

Activity level:

Fundamental Techniques: Locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative skills.
Tactics: Repeat the same movement pattern.
Progressions of Learning: Competency I: performing and repeating sequences of movement
skills, awareness of the body and its parts, concept of space.
Equipment: Playing area, music and different balls.
Formation: Scatters and teams.

Description of Play/Progression:
Layer 1: The students form groups of three. The student in the front of the line is the leader and
when the music starts, the leader begins moving around and the two other students have to
follow whatever the leader does. When the music stops the leader goes to the back of the line and
the second student becomes the new leader.
Layer 2: The students form teams of two and face each other. One student is the leader and the
other is the mirror. The mirror must match the leaders movements. They change roles when the
music stops.
Modifications: Students can start with non-locomotor movements and progress to locomotor
movements. Students can use an object or ball to increase the difficulty in layer two.

Safety: Students must be aware of others, heads up.

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