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Category: Ice Breaker

Source: Games: Principles and & Practice

Grade level: 3-6

Activity level:

Fundamental Techniques: Locomotor and non-locomotor skills.
Tactics: Sportsmanship, encouragement.
Progressions of Learning: Competency II: accepts defeat with dignity.
Equipment: Playing area.
Formation: Scatter

Description of Play/Progression:
Layer 1: All the students form a big circle. The teacher numbers the students from 1 to 18. When
the teacher calls out a number, the student must run around the circle and back to their spot. All
odd numbers run clockwise around the circle and all even numbers run counter clockwise around
the circle.
Layer 2: The teacher will call out one even and one odd number at a time. When the two students
meet around the circle, they must stop, shake each others hand, say their name and then continue
running. The first student back to their spot wins.
Modifications: The groups can have less students.
Safety: Students must be careful when running around the circle.

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