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Category: Territorial

Source: Games: Principles and Practice

Grade level: 3-6

Activity level: High

Fundamental Techniques: Locomotor, and non-locomotor skills.

Tactics: Zone penetration, avoid defense, create space.
Progressions of Learning: Competency I, II: opposition, communication, feinting.
Equipment: Playing area, cones, pinnies, beanbags, hula hoops.
Formation: Team

Description of Play/Progression:
Layer 1: The students are divided into two teams. One team divides into 3 groups of 2 or 3 and they
line up on the three lines. The other team starts at the baseline. The team on the lines are allowed to
move left and right along the line but not forwards or backwards. The other team must try to get
through the defending team without getting tagged. If they get tagged they must exit the playing area
from the sides and return to the starting line.
Layer 2: Beanbags are added to the end of the playing area. If a player makes it through the three
lines without getting tagged, they will pick up one beanbag and place it in a hula hoop at their
starting line. Each team will have 2 minutes to get as many beanbags as possible and then switch
Modifications: The lengths of the lines can be increased or decreased. The number of lines can be
increased or decreased.

Safety: Players must exit out the sides or end of the playing area, soft tagging.

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