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Gluten Free Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan

Sample Menu

1 corn tortilla, 6
1 cup 1% milk
1 scrambled egg

Carbohydrates (25-30 grams)

15 grams
12 grams
0 grams
27 grams

2 cups popcorn
10 grapes
1 string cheese

Carbohydrates (15-20 grams)

10 grams
10 grams
0 grams
20 grams

1/2 cup lentils, cooked
3 ounces turkey
1/2 cup spinach, cooked
1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup mushrooms
8 olives, sliced
1 orange

Carbohydrates (35-45 grams)

15 grams
0 grams
5 grams
2.5 grams
2.5 grams
0 grams
15 grams
40 grams

1 apple, sliced
2 Tbsp peanut butter
1 celery stalk

Carbohydrates (15-20 grams)

15 grams
0 grams
0 grams
15 grams

3 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup sweet potato
2 cups green beans
1 cup 1 % milk

Carbohydrates (35-45 grams)

0 grams
15 grams
0 grams
20 grams
12 grams
47 grams

6 oz plain yogurt
1 cup strawberries
1 Tbsp Seeds

Carbohydrates (15-30 grams)

12 grams
15 grams
0 grams
27 grams

Gluten Free Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan

Sample Menu

Gestational diabetes meal plan has a range of 140 190 grams of carbohydrate combined with
proteins, fats, and fiber rich food selections. Regular blood glucose testing will guide you. If your
blood glucose is high, aim for 140 grams. If your blood glucose is low, aim for 190 grams.

Avoid saccharin.
Limit caffeine to 300 mg per day.
Food sources rich in DHA, iron, folic acid, monounsaturated fats and fiber are recommended.
Eat meals and snacks every 3 hours.
Aim for no more than 10 hours between bedtime snack and breakfast.
Drink plenty of water.

Go to for more What should I eat plan and more.

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