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P H OTOSH OP SKIL L S - C ol or C or re cting Im ag e s


There are multiple ways to color correct images in a photo due to improper white balance
settings and color casts. Use the adjustment tools/layers to alter/improve the color balance in
your photos.
Step 1:
If necessary, adjust the levels in your photo for proper exposure. You can do this in a levels
adjustment layer. Crop your image if you like.
Step 2:
In the layers box, click on the Color Balance symbol to add a color balance adjustment
layer. This will bring up a series of color sliders: cyan to red, magenta to green, and
yellow to blue. Move the sliders to compensate for incorrect color casts in your photo.
For example, if your too red, move the slider (in only small increments toward cyan).
If an image is too yellow, move towards blue. As you make changes pay attention to
how other colors are adjusted/changed and continue to make minor changes to get the best
color possible. Click the eyeball on the layer to compare to your original image.
Notice at the top of the sliders you can select what tone you are adjusting. First, experiment
with the default- midtones. Next, select Highlights (probably your best bet to fix your white
balance) and try Shadows if necessary.
Step 3:
Look at your final image: is it better than where you started? Continue working until it is correct.
If all else fails, turn to black and white. (Joke).
Step 4:
As always, save image as a new name to preserve your original...
Save as: namecc.jpeg. You will need to save as a jpeg to flatten layers if you are finished
working;if you are not finished, save as a psd document so you can continue working in layers.

Want to keep working to fix the image?

If your image is better but still not perfect you can continue to make adjustments. Click on the
Hue and Saturationsymbol to add a new adjustment layer. In this setting you can adjust the
overall hue/saturation, or select specific colors to modify in the drop down box under the word
Master. Here, you can change the hue/saturation/and lightness/darkness of just one color.
Keep in mind you can lower the opacity of the layer to make changes less obvious or predominant
if necessary.

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