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Research on Employee Satisfaction 
  • Sagar Agrawal 
  • Pratik Gandhi 
• Rajwin Patel 


We heartily thank our Project in-charge, Prof. Simantee Sen (IIPM,
Pune), whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the
final level enabled us to develop an understanding of the subject. We are
grateful for her contribution towards the execution of our project and feel
fortunate enough to undergo a project on Employee Satisfaction on a very
macro-level. It has brought the best in us to analyze and research on such
a project.

Lastly, we offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported
us in any respect during the completion of the Research, which include
the HR Manager at Ma Foi and the employees in the organization.


S.No  Topic  Page No. 
1 Introduction to the research 04 
2 Abstract 05 
3 Objective of study 06 
4 Executive Summary 07 
6 Introduction to Company 08 
7 History 12 
8 Methodology 14 
9 Sample Questionnaire 15 
10 Pictorial Analysis 17 
11 Analysis & Recommendation 25 
12 Bibliography 27 


Introduction to Research 
So much of your success rests in the hands of your employees.

They have a profound impact on overall performance, customer

loyalty and satisfaction. But, in the face of so many demands, does

your employee satisfaction survey understand how they feel about

their work – and what motivates them?

Employee satisfaction research is a key tool in the quest to

understand, enable and motivate employees. Through employee

satisfaction research, companies can create employee satisfaction

surveys that discern current levels of satisfaction, gain insight into

potential areas of improvement, and identify what reward and

recognition strategies will deliver the best return on investment in

terms of satisfaction, engagement and retention.


We present a case study on Employee Satisfaction. We talk a lot
about the C-SAT (Customer Satisfaction) a lot of times, however
the recession, which has hit the world, has given a rise to a new
concept of E-SAT (Employee Satisfaction). The potential impact is
directly related to the work force of the company and the research
would actually determine the overcome of the lack and produce
new data for the company. It will also hit directly on the
compensation management, HR Management aspect of the


Objective of study 
Research indicates that there is a strong positive correlation

between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.

Understanding your company’s employee satisfaction performance

over time may explain fluctuations in profitability. This research

and analysis may yield increased employee retention.

Employee satisfaction is important for the following reasons:

1. Committed and engaged employees create satisfied customers.

2. The cost of turnover – Hiring costs, training costs, and

productivity loss is typically between 20-25% of average

employee salary.

3. Company knowledge and customer history – The

knowledge of how your company operates and information

about your customers leaves when an employee leaves your


4. Excessive turnover and/or loss of good people – When

there is high turnover and/or good people leave the effect can

be felt throughout the company, leaving an unspoken negative

feeling among other staff.


Executive summary 
Extensive research proves that committed and loyal employees
have a direct impact on your company's performance and
profitability. This research is on a Consultancy Company, which
gives the idea of how the employees who employ other employees
think about their particular organization. With which we can
understand the behavioral characteristics of the company towards
the employees and therefore give a relevant feedback with our


Related Companies Common Job Titles
Parent Company - Randstad Consultant 43%
Subsidiaries - Qualitair Aviation Ma Foi Senior Consultant 6%
Manager 4%
Mergers - Talisman Software
Business Development Consultant 4%
HQ Region - Madras Area, India Research Analyst 3%
Industry -Human resource Gender Male 49%
Type - Privately Held Female 51%
Status - Operating Subsidiary
Company size - 1,700 employees
Founded - 1992
Website - http”//

Mr. K. Pandia Rajan is currently employed at Ma Foi Management

Consultants Ltd. in the position of Managing Director and Chief
Executive Officer. Mr. Rajan is the founder of Ma Foi Management
Consultants Ltd. He has nearly 20 years of rich experience in
Human Resources, International Recruitment and General
Management. His drive, smart initiatives, and strategic insights
have contributed immensely in shaping Ma Foi into one of the
leading and reputed service providers in the HR industry.

Ma Foi (pronounced as ‘Ma Fwa’) means ‘My Word’ in French.

Ma Foi promises to deliver professional and quality services to its
stakeholders. Anchored on the values of integrity, transparency,
growth, and diversity Ma Foi believes in keeping its promise in
every initiative that it undertakes.

Ma Foi is India’s # 1 Integrated HR Service Provider, and part of
Euro 17.3 Billion Randstad Group, With the merger of Randstad
and Vedior, Ma Foi has become a part of the 2nd largest HR
Services Company in the world. By joining forces, Randstad &
Vedior have a larger candidate base to select from, a more
balanced geographical spread throughout 53 countries and a
wider service offering.

Ma Foi was started in 1992, with an aim to grow into a one-stop

shop for all HR requirements for clients worldwide. It has helped
generate career opportunities for more than 2,50,000 individuals in
36 countries and has worked for over 204 Fortune 500

Ma Foi offers the broadest HR service portfolio from Executive

Search, Staffing, Consulting and Outsourcing to Automation and
Training. The organization has strong global presence across
Europe, US, Middle East, South and Southeast Asia. A global
network of 122 offices across 14 countries gives Ma Foi an
enormous reach and wide coverage.

Ma Foi’s team consists of people from a variety of backgrounds

who have held key recruitment roles in major companies including
many Fortune 500 companies. Their success is based on the
depth and breadth of experience their team has, in every industry
and their knowledge and understanding of the local markets.

Ma Foi Management Consultants Ltd. offers human resources

management and consulting services. The company provides

senior level recruitment, vendor management, psychometric
testing, and career training and consulting services. Additionally, it
provides online recruitment, professional placement, and
candidate screening services. Ma Foi clientele include Monsanto,
Astra-Zeneca, GE Capital, Ford Motors, Hyundai Motors, Satyam
Group, Infosys, Enron, Haldia Petrochemicals, and HSBC. The
company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Chennai,
India with additional operations in United States, United Kingdom,
United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and
Singapore. (As of May 6,2009)

Ma Foi continues to focus on developing customized and

innovative HR services, leveraging on its unique strengths of
geographical presence and end-to-end capability across all HR
service functions.
Further expanding within India through Franchisee network.


Headquarters Amsterdam Area, Common Job Titles

Netherlands Consultants 13%
Industry Human Resources Agent 8%
Type Public Company Branch Manager 6%
Status Operating Account Manager 5%
Company Size 34,000 employees Manager 4%
Median age 30 years
Founded 1960
Gender Male 36%
Female 64%

Current CEO of Randstad Ben Noteboom.

Randstad specializes in solutions in the field of flexible work and human
resources services. It offers a wide spectrum of services that range
from regular from temporary staffing and permanent placing, to in-house
services, search & selection, and HR Solutions. Randstad has over 34,000
employees working from 5,400 branches and in-house locations in 53
countries around the world.
The complexity, pace and global platform of today's business environment
demands a special set of characteristics from the workforce. Apart from
essential requirements in terms of background and experience, criteria for
selecting professionals have changed dramatically over the last decade, with
great emphasis on talented professionals with global exposure. The
importance and hunt for cross-cultural placements has grown multifold.

This strategic merger of both Randstad and Ma Foi has provided enormous
reach and expanded search map. And their combined synergies will now help
to cater to the demands of the new age recruitment.


History – Milestones

• EmmayHR integrates with Ma Foi


• Ma Foi becomes a part of Randstad, the 2nd largest HR Company in the world.

• Takes over the management responsibilities of Team4U, a staffing company

that focuses on mass customization business.

• Ma Foi wins the Asia Pacific Quality Award.


• Ma Foi wins the prestigious certificate for 'Strong Commitment to Excellence'

from CII-EXIM Business Excellence Award.

• Geographic expansion continues as we enter markets in China, Thailand and

Hong Kong.


• Strategic diversification into IT, through a wholly owned subsidiary - Minvesta

Infotech Ltd.

• Ma Foi Academy merges with Staffing Solutions Business.


• Merger of consulting & outsourcing businesses to form a separate subsidiary -

Ma Foi Consulting Solutions Ltd.

• Spin-off of the executive search Business - Ma Foi Global Search Services Ltd.

is launched.


• Ma Foi becomes a part of Vedior - World's largest specialist staffing major.

• Launch of Ma Foi Academy - the career training business of Ma Foi.

• Depute strength hits 10000. Ma Foi emerges as the leader in flexi staffing

business in India.


• Further expansion within India through Franchisee network.


• Flexi staff grows over 5000.


• Foray into the international market.


• ISO Certification.


• Expansion of service portfolio to HR outsourcing.

• Executive Search emerges as a separate business unit.

• First Bonus Issue.


• Crosses a turnover of INR 0.1 Billion. Expansion to multiple locations within

India by setting up offices.


• Transition from Private Limited to Public Limited Company.


• Inception of Ma-Foi with a starting capital of INR 60,000 and a big dream to

grow into a world class HR service provide


⇒ Duration of Research & Survey - February 25th, 2010 -- March 15th,
⇒ Data Collection Time – 07 Days
⇒ Data Allocation Time – 05 Days
⇒ Respondents – 30 Employees

We had chosen two rounds of interview.

1. While being Introduced to the company by the HR - Manager
2. While collecting and getting data

Most of them who filled the questionnaire were at the Mid-Management

Level, which had a designation for Assistant Consultant - CRD.
In accordance with the questions asked, the interpretation was clear and
valid. Employees were enthusiastic to know the after-results of the
research conducted.


Sample Employee Satisfaction

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire, you will remain anonymous. We
need a sample of an audience to use as an example for our Research Project at College

Q1) Regarding the statement, "I am aware of Mafoi overall strategy," would you
say you …
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q2) Regarding the statement, "I understand what Mafoi, as a company, is
trying to achieve," would you say you …
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q3) I feel my department gets support and teamwork from other areas within
the Company.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q4) My manager/supervisor demonstrates professionalism.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q5) My manager clearly defines my job responsibilities.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable

Q6) My manager/supervisor encourages high achievement by reducing the fear
of failure.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q7) My manager/supervisor takes responsibility for shaping the attitudes and
relationships within our department.
Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable

Q8) My manager/supervisor clearly communicates what is expected of me.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q9) My manager/supervisor provides me with continuous feedback to help me
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
Q10) Overall I am very satisfied with my job at Mafoi.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable

Age Group: □ 20- 35 □ 35-45 □ 45+

Gender: □ Male □ Female

Name: ___________________________________________

Designation : _______________________

Email- id : ___________________________________________

Pictorial Analysis:  per question   
Gender: □ Male □ Female

Male 13
Female 17
Total 30


□ 20- 35 29
□ 35-45 1
□ 45+ 0
Total 30

Q1) Regarding the statement, "I am aware of Mafoi overall strategy," would you
say you …
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 1
B  Disagree 1
C  Somewhat Agree 6
D  Agree 19
E  Strongly Agree 3
F  Not Applicable 0

Q2) Regarding the statement, "I understand what Mafoi, as a company, is

trying to achieve," would you say you …
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 0
B  Disagree 0
C  Somewhat Agree 2
D  Agree 23
E  Strongly Agree 5
F  Not Applicable 0


Q3) I feel my department gets support and teamwork from other areas within
the Company.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 0
B  Disagree 4
C  Somewhat Agree 11
D  Agree 12
E  Strongly Agree 3
F  Not Applicable 0

Q4) My manager/supervisor demonstrates professionalism.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 3
B  Disagree 1
C  Somewhat Agree 3
D  Agree 16
E  Strongly Agree 7
F  Not Applicable 0

Q5) My manager clearly defines my job responsibilities.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 1
B  Disagree 1
C  Somewhat Agree 6
D  Agree 17
E  Strongly Agree 5
F  Not Applicable 0


Q6) My manager/supervisor encourages high achievement by reducing the fear

of failure.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable

A  Strongly Disagree 2
B  Disagree 2
C  Somewhat Agree 8
D  Agree 13
E  Strongly Agree 4
F  Not Applicable 1

Q7) My manager/supervisor takes responsibility for shaping the attitudes and
relationships within our department.
Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable

  A  Strongly Disagree 1
  B  Disagree 7
  C  Somewhat Agree 3
  D  Agree 14
  E  Strongly Agree 4
  F  Not Applicable 1

Q8) My manager/supervisor clearly communicates what is expected of me.

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 1
B  Disagree 0
C  Somewhat Agree 9
D  Agree 15
E  Strongly Agree 5
F  Not Applicable 0


Q9) My manager/supervisor provides me with continuous feedback to help me

 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 1
B  Disagree 2
C  Somewhat Agree 11
D  Agree 11
E  Strongly Agree 5
F  Not Applicable 0

Q10) Overall I am very satisfied with my job at Mafoi.
 Strongly Disagree
 Disagree
 Somewhat Agree
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Not Applicable
A  Strongly Disagree 2
B  Disagree 3
C  Somewhat Agree 5
D  Agree 16
E  Strongly Agree 3
F  Not Applicable 1


Analysis and Recommendation

Our work attempted to improve employee satisfaction and efficient
discovery of content for the organization. Although we see majority
of the employees being happy in the organization, there is a line
between "Strongly Agree" and "Agree". Many employees have
chosen "Agree" as their primary option, which tells us that they are
happy enough to be there in the company. However, there is still
line for improvement, which can be seen in terms of the
satisfaction of the employees.

Some of the points, which can be covered, in order to make sure

the employees have an enhanced offering from the Organization
are listed below:

1. Regular Employee Input and Feedback Programs: Building a

corporate culture that requires employees to be an integral part of
the organization can be an effective way of getting the most from
the talents or competencies brought to the organization by each
employee. Allowing employees at all levels of the organization to
share their ideas and concerns will also help the company develop
and maintain a safer and more productive work environment.
Knowing employees' feelings for, and levels of commitment to, the
organization can be essential to measuring whether people
management programs are producing the desired results.

2. Clearly Defined and Communicated job Expectations: When

an organization makes the decision to fill a new position, it has an
idea of what will be expected of the new employee. However,
unless these expectations are clearly communicated, the result
can be disappointing for both the employee and employer. Such
situations cause conflict and inefficiencies in the workplace.
Therefore, it is very important that the employer establish a
mechanism for making sure the needs of the organization are
clearly communicated and understood.

3. Regular and Fair Performance Feedback: Research has

found that most employees in today's economy want to believe
that they contribute to the overall success of the organization.
However, if the employee is not sure how his or her job fits into the
bigger picture, an employer may suffer a reduction in productivity
or morale. A well-designed, consistently-applied and fair system
for discussing the business goals, objectives and individual
employee contributions can be a valuable tool in ensuring each
employee becomes and remains an integral part of the
organization's team.










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