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These are the items you shoud know in this subject:

Human Skeleton
o Axial
o Appendicular
Types of Bone according to Shape
Types of Bone According to Structure
Bone Marrow
Ossification of Bone
o Membranous Ossification
o Cartilagenous Ossification
Nutrient Artery
Parts of a Growing Long Bone
Functions of Bones
Sex Differences
Applied Anatomy (Clinical Anatomy)
o Osteoporosis
o Fractures
Anatomical Features of Bone
Questions on Bones

Label the bones above

Bones are divided according to their shape into:

1) Long bones
2) Short bones
3) Flat bones
4) Irregular bones
5) Pneumatic bones
6) Sesamoid bones


e.g. metacarpal bones

e.g. scapula or ilium

e.g. vertebrae

e.g. skull

e.g. patella

What is osteoporosis?

( )
It is the most common bone disease. It affects more the elderly white
women. The bones lose their mass and become brittle and subject to
fracture. Milk and other calcium sources and moderate exercise can
slow the progress of osteoporosis.

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