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CMIECE - U.S. Bankruptcy Court (v3.3.1 - LIVE) Page 1 of 4 2:07-bk-18682-VZ Inge Alia Bongo Case type: bk Chapter: 11 Asset: Yes Vol: v Judge: Vincent P. Zurzolo Date filed: 10/01/2007 Date of last filing: 10/23/2008 Date terminated: 10/23/2008 History be Dates Description — [Filed & 10/01/2007] 9 Automatic docket of credit card Entered: 1 [Filed & 10/01/2007] 9 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) Entered: [2 [Pied a ror01/2007] 9 Exhibit D Entered: 2 ited & | 10/01/2007] Cehificate of Credit Counseling lEntered: ~ [Filed: 10/02/2007|@ Receipt Number and Filing Fee LEntered: 10/03/2007 ~- |Filed: 10/02/2007|@ Receipt Number and Filing Fee Entered: 10/03/2007| 3 |Filed & 10/04/2007] Meeting of Creditors Chapter 11 & 12 lEntered: 4 |Filed: 10/04/2007] @ Order (Generic) lEntered: 10/05/2007 ~ [Fited & 10/05/2007] Hearing (Bk Other) Set Entered: 5 [Filed & 10/05/2007] 9 Notice to creditors (BNC-PDF) Entered: 6 [Filed & 10/06/2007] 9 BNC Certificate of Service Entered: 7 [Filed & 10/07/2007] 9 BNC Certificate of Service - PDF Document Entered: 8 |Filed: 10/09/2007] @ Request for special notice Entered: 10/12/2007 ~ [Filed & 1 Automatic docket of credit card Entered: 11/02/2007 — [Filed & (@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Set tered: 11/02/2007] 9 [Filed & 11/02/2007]? Motion to Dismiss Case Entered: ‘Terminated: 10/23/2008 10 [Filed & 11/02/2007] 9 List of creditors holding 20 largest unsecured claims \Entered: — hitps:// 10/23/2009 CMIECF - U.S. Bankruptey Court (v3.3.1 - LIVE) Page 2 of 4 10 |Filed & 11/02/2007] Summary of Schedules |Entered: 10 [Filed & Trron/2007| Statistical Summary of Cenlain Liabilities Entered: [0 [Fite & Toz/a007| Schedule A - Real Property JEntered: 10 [Filed & Toz/a007|® Schedule B - Personal Property Entered: 10 [Filed & (@ Schedule C ried a 11/02/2007 10 [Filed & Tron/ano7|® Schedule D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims |_|Entered: 10 |Fited & Trron/o07| Schedule E- Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims |Entered: 10 fed & Trounog7|® Schedule - Creditor Holding Unsecured Nonprorty Claims - + 10 [Filed & mi roamoar|® Schedule G |Entered: 10 [Filed & (@ Schedule H Entered: 11/02/2007} “| Filed & [@ Schedule I - Average Income Entered: 11/02/2007} Prited & Ton/a007] ® Schedule J Current Expenditures Entered: Filed & @ Declaration Re Sched. eer 11/02/2007] 10 [Filed & 1@ Statement of Financial Affairs yea 11/02/2007 10 [Filed & “voz/a07|® Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor | lEntered: les 10 |Filed & Toarano7| Chapier 11 Statement of Curent Monthly Income ff i207 “Amended Creditor Matrix (Fee) nl iF Toz/a007|® Declaration Re: Bletronie Filing |Entered: 12 [Filed & 1 Status report ede 11/19/2007] Filed & 11/28/2007] Statement Entered: = |Filed & (@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Continued Venere 1 vsonoey 14 |Fited: 12/13/2007|@ Order (Generic) https://eef.cacb.uscourts. gov/ogi-bin/ 10/23/2009 CMECE - U.S. Bankruptcy Court (v3.3.1 - LIVE) Page 3 of 4 |Entered: 12/14/2007 [en oor] ~ [Filed & [@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Continued meet 12/17/2007 |Filed: 12/28/2007|@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Set Entered: 01/04/2008} 15 [Filed & 1@ Application to Employ Entered: 12/28/2007} ‘Terminated: 01/04/2008} 16 |Filed & 12/28/2007] | Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens |Entered: | Terminated: 02/07/2008) 17 |Filed: (01/04/2008|@ Order on Application to Employ Entered: 01/07/2008} 18 [Filed & 9 Objection yea 01/09/2008 19 [Filed 01/15/3008|9 Motion to Sell Property Free and Clear of Liens ‘Terminated: _ 10/23/2008} 20 [Filed & 1@ Opposition eee 01/16/2008| 21 [Filed & 01/22/2008] 9 Substitution of atiomey lEntered: 22 [Filed & 1723/2008) @ Reauest for special notice |Entered: 23 | Filed: 01/24/2008] @ Notice of Change of Address Lencered: 01/29/2008 24 | Filed: 02/07/2008] @ Order on Motion To Sell 02/08/2008 pa/au/a0os| 9 Proof of service 03/14/2008] @ Automatic docket of credit card | 03/14/2008 03/17/2008 [@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Set 03/14/2008] 9 Motion for Relief from Stay - Real Property ‘Terminated: __ 04/11/2008} ] Filed: 03/14/2008] @ Notice to pay court costs |Entered: 03/17/2008} |Filed & 2 Declaration Entered: 04/01/2008 \Filed & |Entered: Filed & 2 Motion for relief from the automatic stay REAL PROPERTY 04/11/2008] aNc-PDF) }@ BNC Certificate of Service - PDF Document 8 is hitps://eef.cacb-uscourts. gov/egi-bin/HistDocQry-pl?268509240346824-L,_448_0-1 10/23/2009 CM/ECE - U.S. Bankruptcy Court (v3.3.1 - LIVE) Page 4 of 4 | Entered: 04/16/2008) — |Filed: 05/21/2008|@ Hearing (Bk Motion) Set Entered: 05/23/2008} 31 [Filed & [9 Motion to Dismiss Case catered: 05/21/2008} Terminated: 06/25/2008} 32 [Filed & 06/25/2008] ® Order on Motion to Dismiss Case |Entered: 33 [Filed & 1@ Notice of dismissal (BNC) eereds 09/03/2008} 34 [Filed & 19 BNC Certificate of Service Entered: a 35 [Filed & 1 Close Bankruptey Case iratorcd 10/23/2008} PACER Service Center ‘Transaction Receipt 1072572009 06:35:15 [PACER Tpetavie a jmao037 [ctient Code: stavie [Search |:07-bk-18682-VZ [History/Documents teri (Type: History Ibiiabie tab b cost: o.16 hitps:// 10/23/2009

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