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Category: Territorial

Source: Beaconsfield High

Grade level: 5-6

Activity level: Moderate-

Fundamental Techniques: Locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulation skills.
Tactics: Defending different areas of playing space, teamwork and communication, awareness of
open players.
Progressions of Learning: Competency I, II: methods of communication, throwing an object,
passing the object to teammates.
Equipment: Playing area, tchouckball, cones, net, pinnies.
Formation: Team

Description of Play/Progression:
Layer 1: The students are divided into two teams. A net is placed at both ends of the playing area.
Cones are placed in a semi-circle formation around the net to create the crease. Both teams start by
standing around their crease and practice throwing the ball off the net and catching it.
Layer 2: Teams of 6 are made for the game. The offensive teams objective is to shoot the ball off of
any of the two nets and have the rebound fall to the ground. The defensive team wants to catch the
rebound. The teams are only allowed to make 3 passes max before they must throw at the net. Once
the defensive team caches the ball, they become the offensive team. The rebound of the ball must
bounce outside of the crease to make a point. Players cannot move with the ball. If the ball is dropped
the first person to get to the ball and recover it has possession. Interceptions are allowed.

Layer 3: A full game, no interceptions, 3 steps max with the ball, if the ball is dropped it is a
Modifications: Teacher can add a second ball, shrink or increase the size of the playing area.
Safety: Be aware of the rebounding ball.

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