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Experience Sharing

Using NWTE (2nd Edition) in English lessons

Part I (75 minutes))
A. Why do we select New Welcome To English (2nd Edition) as our textbook?
- Task-based Approach (Example (1A) Animal Riddles from the Task & Project
- Knowledge: Using adjectives to describe friends (6B-Reading: Trick or Treat)
- Skills: integrate 4 language skills in learning (any example in the textbook)
- Values & attitude: (6B-Unit8-Be a friend of the World)
- Daily life experiences: (6B-Unit1-Festivals in HK; Unit 5-Planning a day trip)
- Abundant teaching aids: IT & audio & visual aids (interactive CD-ROM,
PowerPoint Presentations & tapes, etc)
- Longman website
- Grammar: Extra exercises are needed for practice
- Phonics: Phonics skills are not practised in a systematic way
- Writing: Controlled or guided writing practice (textbook & RWS)
B. Other supplementary materials
- RWS: too many reading tasks; some are not relevant to the target language
- Task & Project Book: Good but need to adapt the tasks to your pupils abilities
& needs
- Creative Writing: Training starts from guided writing and ends at free writing (6AUnit 3-Inventions)
- Grammar Practice: (1A-Unit 1-p,3, Unit 3-p.12, Unit5-p.20 Singular/Plural form)
- Phonics Fun: (Enhancing reading and phonics skills, help Chinese pupils to
tackle their pronunciation problems-1A-Unit 8- s/zh)
C. Time allocation
D. Curriculum tailoring
- What
- How (Examples of trimming down the learning materials, make additions and
E. Scheme of work
- Example (6A)
F. Assignments
- Homework policy
- Example: project work, web-based learning,
G. Assessment
- Types of assessment
- Setting papers

Part II (0.5 hr)

Break & Exhibition of pupils work (exercise books & project work)

Part III (45 minutes)

Teaching and learning in Primary One
- Selection and adaptation of learning content (examples with task sheets)
- Learning activities (Playing games with the participants)

- Assignments (GE exercises, project work, web-based learning)

- Assessment (P.1 exam papers, evaluating pupils learning regularly)

Part IV (0.5 hr)

Open Discussion

Part I A - B
Part I C - E
Part I F G
Part III 1 - 2
Part III 3 - 4

Miss Ngan
Miss Fung
Miss Wong & Mr Chow
Miss Li & Miss Yan
Miss Ho

20-25 mins
20 mins
30 mins
25 mins
20 mins

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