Dialog Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris Sma

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X : Hi Long time no see!

Y : Hi I cant believe we can meet here

X : Yeah and im supposed you join this event . as I know you are not such a man
who like event like this
Y : Yeah right, but you know everyone has a right change
X : BTW, how about your school?
Y : umm my scholl now is holding a practice test now. What about you?
X : yeah me too umm where do you go after graduated from senior high school?
Y: for SNMPTN, I choose university diponegoro
X : Right? What a concidence
Y : I hope both of us can be accepted in university of diponegoro
X : I hope so. What department will you take?
Y : I choose a environment engineering. What about you?
X : well, I dont like environment engineering, I prefer civil engineering
Y : what will you do if you not accepted in undip?
X : I still dont know, and im not satisfied if I must go to private university
Y : well you try to take it through SBMPTN?
X : I will take that, what about you?
Y : I am confused between private university or diploma III, but I must fight first and
focused to be accepted in state university
X : yeah me too, I promise with my parents that I feel optimistic will be accepted in
state university, especially in undip,and I dont want to make my parent became
unhappy because me
Y : and if we accepted in state university, we will feel proud with ourself and out
parents will proud of us
X : yeah right, umm im sorry because im commite in this event I must go back
now to do my job. I feel happy to meet you here
Y : okay, its okay. Me too, nice to have a talk with you.
X : see you again in next time

Y : see you!

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