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a meaeee ao a — Sores See Circuit Description. Figue 1 shows the schematic diagram ofthe Tesla Col circu. The cir: cuit consists of tie more than @ few coils. a step-up power tnansformer, and a capacitor. Power trom an AC wall socket ised to transformer Tt (@small neon-sign transtormet) which stops the voltage up fo about 3000-votts AC. The stepped-up output of Tt is fed through L1 and 12 across C1, causing it to charge until enough power is stored Inthe unit to produce an arc across the spark gap. The spark gap—which mo- ‘mentarily connects C1 and L3 in para lel—determines the amount of current transferred between C1 and L3. The arcing across the spark gap sends a series of high voltage pulses through L3, giving a sort of oscillating Build this unusual version of Nikola Tesla’s most famous experiment! effect, The energy fed through L3 is transferred 10 LA via the magnetic cou pling between the two coils. (Because of the turns ratio that exsts between 13 ‘and U4, an even higher voltage is pro: duced across L4} Coil Lf steps up the BY VINCENT VOLLONO voltage, which collects on the top-capacitance sphere where it causes an avalanche breakdown of the surrounding Git, Giving off a luminous cis- charge. In order to get maximum ‘output fom the Tesla Coll, cer fain conditions must be met. Fitst of all, the primary and secondary resonant frequen- cles must be made equal by tuning the primary coll, L3, Thats accomplished by top- ping|3 at points along the coil with clip lead. In addition, the setting of the spark gap greatly effects the output of the Tesla Col (Our Tesla Col is designed to Use either a stationary spark gap oF an optional rotary spark gap; both of which must be adjusted for maximum out ut. (We'll discuss the rotary spark gap a litle later) ifL3 ond L4 are coupled too close, coil efficiency is re- duced; over-coupling pre. vents the circuit from resonat- ing at maximum efficiency. That aso couses a breakdown between |3.andL4, which can produce arcing between the two coils. By increasing the coupling between L3 and L4, the amount of energy in. creases in Lé until @ “ertical coupling” is reached, Inadaition, the @ ofthe coils is very important (the Q of a cll is equal foils inductive reactance

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