Iobservation Reflection - InTASC Standard 9

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Observation Results for hutps://dmschools\ Observation Results for ‘observer: Date stared! Date Submited: Now 8, 2015 64255 AM “ype: Location: Stendara LINCOLN RAILS Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors (v3) ‘Domain 1s basad on the Art and Science of Teaching Framewerk and identi the 41 elements orinstnxctinalestegotes that happen in the classroom, The 4" Insniconal categories ate organized ino 9 Design Questions (00) and futher grouped into 3 Lesson Segments to define the Cbuervaton and Feedback Protocal Domain 1 ofthe 2014 Marzano Teacher Evalustion Models Upcale or dcop inplementaton of Colage and Career Readiness Standards containing expt references to cognitive igor and ogni sls. Copyrgnt Robert J Marzano Focus Statement: Based on student ovéenc, the tacher breaks the content into aml chunks (ie. cigestble bites) of Information hat ean be easly processed by students generate a lear conclusion Desired Etec: Sudents process and learn information n appropri chunks, Evidences: Example Teacher Evidences: Example Student Evidenc: ected ees TS 1 Stan aptih why mara opeea et mae woop “a garmmenoneanamaiin ? 2 fete rake erscoee nar se Sind can xian car ere bot neh of =e oat 1) Teacher uses appropriate questoning te determine content chunks ate appropriate 15 Teacher uses formative data to break content nko _2pproprate chunks Resources: Scale | Reflection Queetons | Video 1of6 11/18/2015 2:47 PI Observation Results for Seal NNot Applicable Not Using Beginning Developing Applying Innovating Comments: ‘There are no collaboration comments to display. Helping Students Process New Content Focus Statement: The teacher sytematcaly engages student gous proestng and gener cncusions aba new contr. Desired Etfect: Stents ave cognitvely engaged wih new content dung interactions wth oer students Evidences: Example Teacher Evidences: Teacher employs formal group processing strategies + Josaw + Reciprocal teaching + concept attainment ‘Teacher uss informal sateges to engage group rember in actvely processing + Predictions 1 Associations + Poraphresing + Versa ummaraing + Questioning ) Teache factates group membersin generating conclusions 20f6 Example Student Evidence: Students can exlain what they have just eerned (Students vlurterpreictons 1 Students vlunary ask cariction questions Groups aro actively iccussing the content + Group members ask each ther and answer ‘quesons about the iormaton + Group members make presicons about whet they expect next ‘Students generate contusions abut the now contant ‘Stugents can verbally summarize or restate Ine new Iormation 11/18/2015 2:47 PI Observation Results for [3 Teaser mades the al, satay, or rocees Resources: Scala | Refecion Questons | viieo Scale Not Applicable Not Using Beginning Developing Collaboration: There a ‘0 colaboration comments to display "Helping Students Revise Knowledge, Focus Statement: The teacher engages stents in revision of previous knowles by cvtecting eos and misconcepions new information https://dmschools ‘Applying Innovating walla adcing Desired fect: Stusents make scons and deltions to previous knculedge that deepen thelr understanding Evidences: Example Teacher Evidence: 15 Teoeheraoka students to examine previous ont in that dpa or wasttonal seadomic notebooks or notes te comet erors and misconceptions as well asad new ‘Teacher engages the wrole lass in an examination of how curtentesson changed perceptions and Lnderstanings of previous cortont aa secumnmesseiee a cy Teacher guides student to identity altrative ways to exeouteproceaures Sof 6 Example Student Evidence: 5 Students make corrections andor addons to Intomston provoush cored about content ‘Suuents oan expla previous eros or miseoncepins they hac abou content Students demonstate a growth mindset by sol-cowecing eer a8 knowledge Is revises ‘Student revisions demonstra altematve ways to execute procedures 11/18/2015 2:47 PI Observation Results for : https:(/ Resources: Seale | Reflecdon Questons | video Scale: Not Applicable Not Using Beginning Developing Applying Innovating ‘Comments: Collaboration: ‘There are no callaberation comments to display. Signatures Observer Signature: Date: Date: 6 0f6 j 11/18/2015 2:47 Pr

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