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T-Test Medium on Credibility

Equal variances assumed=(0.110>0.05)

Look at Sig (2-tailed)
0.00<0.05 = Significant
First line of data
Variances are equal
Distance between score and mean are equal for both variables
Difference within the sample
Meme= N:61, M:2.4240, SD: 1.17164
Advertisement= N:54, M:3.9272, SD: 1.46491
There is a significant difference between how people viewed memes and
advertisements as portraying the candidate as being credible. People rated
advertisements (3.93) as portraying the candidate as being more credible than through
a meme (2.42).
Cohens Effect Size
d = 1.1201
Large effect size
Noticeable differences between means
t(113)=-6.107, p <0.05
An independent t-test was conducted to determine if politicians were found to be more
credible when displayed through a political meme (M=2.42, SD=1.17) or a political
advertisement (M=3.93, SD=1.46). The Levenes test for equality of variances was
significant (F = 2.56, p < 0.11) ,so equality of variances are not assumed. t(113)=-6.11,
p < 0.05
T-Test Medium on Creativity
Equal variances assumed=(0.450>0.05)
Look at Sig (2-tailed)
0.00 < 0.05
First line of data
Variances are equal
Difference within the sample
Meme= N:61, M:3.1721, SD:1.20164
Advertisement= N:55, M:4.6494, SD: 1.39898
There is a significant difference between how people viewed memes and
advertisements as being creative forms of media. People rated advertisements (4.65)
as being more creative than memes (3.17).
t(114)=-6.116, p < 0.05
An independent t-test was conducted to determine whether or not a political meme
(M=3.17, SD=1.20) is more creative than a political advertisement (M=4.65, SD= 1.40).
The Levenes test for equality of variances was significant (F = 0.575, p <0.45), so
equality of variances are not assumed. t(114)=-6.12, p <0.05.
Analysis of Variance for Credibility

Based on question three of Voting Scale

Can you see yourself voting for the candidate portrayed in the advertisement/meme?
Effect Size
Large effect size
F(2,115) = 10.629, p < 0.05
2 out of the total (2,115)
Means of Voting Answers
Yes= 4.6381
No = 2.6246
Dont know = 3.0995
This research question tested for a possible difference between the credibility measures
of the candidate portrayed and whether or not the survey takers would consider voting
for that candidate. A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was calculated using the
responses from the likelihood to vote scale as the independent variable and the
credibility measures as the dependent variable. Based on the results, the test was found
to be significant: F(2,115) = 10.629, p < 0.05.
Significant Differences between
Dont know (3.0995) and Yes (4.6381)
People are more likely to vote for the candidate based on credibility than not knowing
whether to vote
Yes (4.6381) and No (2.6246)
People are more likely to vote for the candidate based on credibility than not vote for the
Analysis of Variety for Creativity
Based on the likelihood that students would vote for the candidate portrayed through the
Effect size
Slightly over medium effect size
F(2,116) = 4.568, p < 0.05
Means of Voting Answers
Yes= 4.959
No = 3.793
Dont know = 3.680
This research question tested for a possible difference between the creativity measures
of the candidate portrayed and whether or not the survey takers would consider voting
for that candidate. A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was calculated using the
responses from the likelihood to vote scale as the independent variable and the
creativity measures as the dependent variable. Based on the results, the test was found
to be significant: F(2,116) = 45.568, p < 0.05.
Significant Differences between
Yes (4.959) and Dont know (3.680)

People are more likely to vote for a candidate based on the creativity of the medium
used to portray themselves than not know whether to vote for them or not
Yes (4.959) and No (3.793)
People are more likely to vote for a candidate based on the creativity of the medium
used to portray themselves than not vote for the candidate.

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