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Monday: Psalms 133:1

Grow Tuesday: Ephesians 4:1-5
Wednesday: Ephesians4:6-10
Pray Thursday: Ephesians 4:11-16
Friday: Colossians 3:14-17
3rd—5th Study
Easter is a great time to share the amazing
March 28, 2010 story of the resurrection of Jesus with your
In our reading it gives us several ways that we can live a life worthy friends and neighbors. Ask you parents if
of the calling you have received. Write down at least 3 ways you can you can invite a friend and their family to
do that in your life: 1. join you for Easter worship. This could be a
2. life changing experience for them! Another
3. fun way to share the joy of Easter is by drop-
Surely your goodness and love shall follow me all the ping a “blessing basket” off for a neighbor.

days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Fill a few plastic eggs with candy, place them

LORD my whole life long.

in a basket and leave them on the doorstep with
Psalm 23 a note that says “Happy Easter!”

Next Week is Easter! Enjoy worshipping

PARENT SPOT! Yes! I’m proud to initial that my
child has worked on their GPS!
with your family!

In two weeks a new series begins: Join us

for “A Bug’s Life!”


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