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CONFIDENTIAL / SULIT OPEN UNIVERSITY @ MALAYSIA JANUARY 2013 SEMESTER / SEMESTER JANUARI 2013 FINAL EXAMINATION / PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR COURSE/KURSUS : ESSENTIAL MATHEMATICS CODE / KOD : SBMA1403 DATE / TARIKH : 12 APRIL 2013 DURATION / TEMPOH : 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES TIME | MASA : 3.00 PM-5.30 PM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES / ARAHAN KEPADA CALON 4. This question paper is set in English and Bahasa Malaysia. ANSWER using ONE LANGUAGE ONLY gither ENGLISH or BAHASA MALAYSIA. Kertas soalan ini disediakan dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia. JAWAB dalam SATU BAHASA SAHAJA sama ada BAHASA INGGERIS atau BAHASA MALAYSIA. x This question paper consists of THREE Parts - PART A, PART B and PART C. Read CAREFULLY the instructions for each PART. Kertas soalan ini terdiri daripada TIGA Bahagian - BAHAGIAN A, BAHAGIAN B dan BAHAGIAN C. Baca DENGAN TELITI arahan bagi setiap BAHAGIAN. e . Write your answers in the Answer Booklet provided. Tulis jawapan anda dalam Buku Jawapan yang dibekalkan. This question paper consists of 7 PAGES of questions printed on both sides of the paper, excluding this pag Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 7 MUKA soalan yang dicetak pada kedua-dua belah muka kertas, tidak termasuk muka ini ‘SOMA 1403_SEM JAN2019/F_FST PART A/ BAHAGIAN A. INSTRUCTIONS/ARAHAN Part A contains FIVE questions. Answer ALL questions. Bahagian A mengandungi LIMA soalan. Jawab SEMUA soalan, QUESTION / SOALAN Marks / Markah 1. (@)_ Write the following number in standard form. 4 L005, 12000, (6) Without using calculator, evaluate the following expression, (68) (a) Tulis nombor berikut dalam bentuk piawai. vo. 003 12000 (6) Dengan tidak menggunakan kalkulator, nilaikan ungkapan berikut. (one 2. Give four pairs of distinct irrational numbers such that the product of 4) each pair is a rational number. Berikan empat pasangan nombor tak nisbah yang berbeza sehingga hasil darab setiap pasangan ialah suatu nombor nisbah, ‘SBMA 1603_SEM JAN2OISIF_FST 3. Solve the following simultaneous equations, Oy x-y=2 z 3 =x Selesaikan persamaan serentak berikut, 4, Determine whether the following pair of straight lines are perpendicular ) or not. 4x43y=7 4y-3x=1 ‘Tentukan sama ada pasangan garis lurus berikut berserenjang atau tidak. 4x43y=7 4y-3x=1 5. Given that £={a,b,c,d,e,f}. Oy (a) Find the total number of subsets of &. (b) State: (i) the smallest subset of &. i) the biggest subset of &. Diberi bahawa ¢ = {a,b,c,d,e, f}. (a) Cari bilangan subset bagi &. (b) Nyatakan: (i) subset terkecil bagi €. (ii) subset terbesar bagi ¢ SBMA 1409_SEM JANZOISIE_FST PART B/BAHAGIAN B INSTRUCTIONS / ARAHAN Part B contains THREE questions. Answer TWO questions only. Bahagian B mengandungi TIGA soalan. Jawab DUA soalan sahaja. QUESTION / SOALAN Marks / Markah 1. Consider the following funetions: fix oxt3 and gix ox? (a) Find f(3) and g(1+x). @) (b) Obtain the functions of fog and go/f. @ (©) Compute (fo ot} and teon(2)- @ x x (4) (a) Find the domain and range of fog. ® (©) Show that the function fo g is an even function. (5) Pertimbangkan fungsi berikut: (a) () () @ (©) fix x43 dan gixox? Cari (3) dan g(+x). Dapatkan fungsi fog dan go f. Hitung ron(2) dan teon(!) x x. Cari domain dan julat bagi fo g. Tunjukkan bahawa fungsi fog ialah suatu fungsi genap. (Total/Jumtah:20) ‘SOMA 1403_SEM JANZ01DIF_FST 2. Solve the following: (a) x, =65,.+11101, ©) (b) 75, +x, = 65, 6 (8) (©) 11101, +101, =x,-1011,, Selesaikan yang berikut: (a) x, =65+11101, (b) 75, +%, = 65, (©) 11101, +101, =x,-1011,, (Total/Jumlah:20) 3. (a) The relationship of x and y is given by y = ab", where a and b are @) Pe e constants. Given y=3 when x= 1 andy = > when x= 2, obtain the values of a and b. (b) Given y is directly proportional to x°. When x = 2, y= 8. Find y “) when x= 2 (©) Given v is directly proportional to Vu and inversely proportional to @) 3. Based on the following table, 3 5 i 3 ca 3 u 4 9 4 w. 2 3 4 express v in terms of w and w. Hence, obtain the values of p and q. (a) Hubungan x dan y diberikan oleh_y = ab, dengan a dan b adalah pemalar positif. Diberi y = 3 apabila x ~ 1 dan y = 3 apabila x = dapatkan nilai a dan b. (b) Diberi yy adalah berkadaran terus dengan x°, Apabilax = 2, y= 8. Cari y apabila x= V2. ‘SEMA 1409_SEM JANZO19)F_FST (c) Diberi v berkadaran terus dengan Vu dan berkadaran songsang dengan 3w. Berdasarkan jadual di bawah, 5 5 | = a A 3 3 u 4 9 q w 2 [3 4 ungkapkan v dalam sebutan w dan w. Seterusnya, dapatkan nilai p dan q. (Total/Jumlah:20) SBMA 1409_SEM JANZ019/F_FST PART C/ BAHAGIAN C INSTRUCTIONS / ARAHAN Part C contains TWO questions. Answer ONE question only. Bahagian C mengandungi DUA soalan, Jawab SATU soalan sahaja. QUESTION / SOALAN Marks / Markah 1 @ (b) (a) (b) 2 @ (b) On the same axis, sketch the graphs of the following functions: any @— f@)=2xe Gi) g(x) =Qx-2y h(x) = 20-2)? -3 ) Determine the domain and range of each function. Di atas paksi yang sama , lakarkan graf fungsi yang berikut: @ — f(@)=2x* g(x) =(2x-2) (iii) h(x) =2(x-2)° -3 Tentukan domain dan julat bagi setiap fungsi tersebut. (Total/Jumlah:20) Simplify the following expressions: (4) (log, 25 +log, 9 Gi) og ; VI25—1og,1 i) 12821 le84 og 100 logi2+ H1og49-410g2 Solve the following equation. © log, x= log, x ‘SOMA 1409_SEM JANZDI9/F_FST (a) Permudahkan ungkapan beikut: (i) log, V25 + log, 9 Gi) tog i, VI25 —Iog,1 log 21-log4 +1og100 logi2+H1og49—41og2 (b) _ Selesaikan persamaan berikut. log, x= log, x (Total/Jumlah:20) END OF QUESTION PAPER/KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT.

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