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ABACUS CAE Tutorials, Getting Started Book, Help Files, etc.

This document does not list all of the resources available in our collection just the most important
ones. The "importance" is ranked based on the types of analyses and associated commands that are
needed for homework assignments. There is considerable information on the web from ABAQUS and
various universities. The primary ABAQUS portal for information is
You will probably want to create your own account at this portal.
1. Getting Started with ABAQUS book and Help Files.
The first step is to get a feel for the analysis environment. Read Chapters 1 & 2 in the Getting
Started with ABAQUS book and go through the static and dynamic analysis of an overhead hoist.
This is available online (as part of the installation of ABAQUS).
To find the book, you can first start ABAQUS. On the 6th-floor computers, go to start All
Programs ABAQUS 6.6-1 ABAQUE CAE. Once the program starts, you will see a
window called Start Session. This gives you 4 options: Create Model Database, Open
Database, Run Script, and Start Tutorial. If you click on Start Tutorial, this will open a web
browser window which has a link to the Getting Started with ABAQUS book. Alternately,
you can click on Create Model Database, then Help - Search and Browse Manuals. There
you will see also a link to the Getting Started book.
Or, you can skip opening ABAQUS and go directly to the help files at:
and the Getting Started book at:
2. There are several ABAQUS Examples/Tutorials for you to practice with.
There are several 2-D plane stress examples that you should do which will give you a starting
working knowledge of how to create a model with ABAQUS, solve the problem, and then view the
results. These include an aluminum bracket, a plate with hole in it and a plate with a non-circular
cutout. Two of these are attached. It is suggested that you work the bracket problem first. (files =
2D_Aluminum Bracket.pdf, plate_with_Hole.doc, non-Circular_Cut_out.doc). The solution for the
buckling modes of a plate is also available if you are interested in looking at this problem (file =
Complete the reading of the Getting Started book chapters. Then do the tutorial for the analysis of an
aluminum bracket. Provide the following ABAQUS results:
completed model, page 14
stress results for S. Mises, S11, S22, and S12. (pages 17-18)
displacement result for u1 and u2.
1 page discussion of you results and what they mean to you (i.e., your interpretation of the
results from an engineering viewpoint).
DUE: Monday, October 29.
Note: I will be handing out another ABAQUS assignment next Friday, Oct. 26 which will be due
Friday, Nov. 2. Therefore it would be to your advantage to complete the first assignment early.

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