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SIM GILL, Bar No. 6389 District Attorney for Salt Lake County JOSEPH S. HILL, Bar No. 10178 Deputy District Attorney 111 East Broadway, Suite 400 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (385) 468-7600 IN THE THIRD DISTRICT COURT, SALT LAKE DEPARTMENT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SALT LAKE, STATE OF UTAH THE STATE OF UTAH Screened by: JOSEPH S. HILL Assigned to: ROBERT NEVE. Plaintiff, INFORMATION vs. DAO # 15026499 GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ JR. DOB: 06/22/1980, Initial Appearance: AKA: Mistersun, Kurious 5000 S 800 W $250,000 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 OTN Warrant/Release: In Jail/Warrant(s) SO# 243476 Booking# Case No. Defendant. ‘The undersigned Officer C. Dowland - West Valley Police Department, Agency Case No. 151056524, upon a written declaration states on information and belief that the defendant, GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ JR., committed the crime(s) of: COUNT 1 AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING, 76-5-302 UCA, a First Degree Felony, as follows: That on or about October 25, 2015 at 3181 South Alsace Way, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the defendant did , in the course of committing unlawful detention or kidnapping, (a) possess, use, or threaten to use a dangerous weapon as defined in Utah Code Section 76-1- 601; or (b) act with intent: (@ to hold the victim for ransom or reward, or as a shield or hostage, or to compel a third person to engage in particular conduct or to forbear from engaging in particular conduct; (ii) to facilitate the commission, attempted commission, or flight after commission or attempted commission of a felony; (iii) to hinder or delay the discovery of or reporting of a felony; {iv) to inflict bodily injury on or to terrorize the victim or another; (v) to interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function; or (vi) to commit a sexual offense as described in Title 76, Chapter 5, Part 4 of the Utah Code (Sexual Offenses). STATE vs GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ. DAO # 15026499 Page 2 COUNT 2 AGGRAVATED ROBBERY, 76-6-302 UCA, a First Degree Felony, as follows: That on or about October 25, 2015 at 3181 South Alsace Way, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the defendant did (a) unlawfully and intentionally take or attempt to take personal property in the possession of another from his or her person, or immediate presence, against his or her will, by means of force or fear, and with a purpose or intent to deprive the person permanently or temporarily of the personal property; or (b) intentionally or knowingly use force or fear of immediate force against another in the course of committing a theft or wrongful appropriation; and (1) in the course of committing the before mentioned act, (a) used or threatened to use a dangerous weapon; (b) caused serious bodily injury upon another; or (©) took or attempted to take an operable motor vehicle. COUNT3 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, 76-5-103(1) UCA, a Third Degree Felony, as follows: That on or about October 25, 2015 at 3181 South Alsace Way, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the defendant did (i) attempt, with unlawful force or violence, to do bodily injury to another, ii) threaten, accompanied by a show of immediate force or violence, to do bodily injury to another; or iii) commit an act, with unlawful force or violence, that caused bodily injury to another or created a substantial risk of bodily injury to another; and used (a) a dangerous weapon as defined in Utah Code Section 76-1-601; or (b) other means or force likely to produce death or serious bodily injury. THIS INFORMATION IS BASED ON EVIDENCE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING WITNESSES: C. Brotherson, Eric Davies, Hailey Dering, Officer C. Dowland, A, Geyerman, and Aimee Stock. STATE vs GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ. DAO # 15026499 Page 3 DECLARATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE Your declarant bases this Information on the following: The statement of Hailey Dering that on October 25, 2015, she was at her apartment at 3181 Alsace Way in Salt Lake County with her friend, defendant GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ JR. She went to change laundry when she was hit in the back of the head. The next thing she remembered was looking up and seeing Martinez in the laundry room. Martinez began hitting her repeatedly with a hammer until she was able to get it away from him, Dering thought Martinez was calming down, but then he started strangling her with a sheet. She states she thought he was going to kill her because she was on the verge of losing consciousness and couldn't breathe, talk or yell. During the assault, she tried to run for the door, but Martinez, grabbed her and stopped her from leaving the apartment. Martinez told her he needed to tie her up so he could leave, but she told him to just take whatever he wanted and leave. Martinez took $20 out of her wallet and her car keys and drove away in her car. ‘The statement of Aimee Stock that she was parking her car when she saw a man get into Hailey Dering’s car and drive away. Dering then came out of her apartment yelling, “Help! 1 need help! He hit me with a hammer!” Stock then called 911 Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated § 78B-5-705 (2008) I declare under criminal penalty of the State of Utah that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my belief and knowledge. Exeeudd on;_/0/24](T- OfficerC-Dowland- T, Low, Declarant Gavan! F245 Authorized for presentment and filing SIM GILL, District Attorney = Distriet Attorney 28th day of October, 2015 SRB/DAO #15026499 STATE vs GEORGE MATTHEW MARTINEZ DAO # 15026499 Page 1 OTHER PENDING CASES FOR THE DEFENDANT Court Court Case # Trial Judge DAO Charge SL 151908866 ‘Skanchy 15019371 Theft

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