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Tyler Morder

Journal 4

Today I taught a lesson for a group of low learners in Mrs.

Mickeys 3rd grade class. She teaches 3rd grade but some of her
students are below grade level. I taught a group of these students
because my lesson followed a 1st grade standard.
I used a hook with a video/song that revolved around pets, the
different kinds of pets and facts about pets. It worked well as my kids
were very engaged from the start of the video. We then worked
through understanding what facts are and how we can use them. I
then gave an example of what I wanted them to do by presenting my
text on the white board about my pets at home. Kids, natural, started
asking questions about my pets and sparked a discussion about our
pets. This discussion wasnt planned but ended up working rather well
because after the classroom discussion I requested students to write
things they were saying. The objective was to have students write five
facts about their pet, real or imaginary (if they dont have a pet at
home). When students were struggling I was able to reflect back to
things students were talking about during our discussion. All my
children finished their task and did it very well to what I expected.
Overall, this class flowed very easy and how I had planned. The
discussion was not scripted but I want to promote those interactions in

my future class to ensure students are adapting to and using 21st

century skills. Teaching is all about adapting to the students and I
already found myself doing so. It was a great lesson and Im extremely
eager to return to Metzgar to teach my next lesson.

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