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Britnee Haslam

Name: _________________________________

December 1st
Date: _____________________

HLAC 1096 Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?

I learned a lot from this class. I knew most of the information pertaining to exercise
in general but I really liked the information given about diet and nutrition. I find it
fascinating how much changing your diet can change the way you look and feel,
not to mention how well your body functions.

2. How would you apply this information to your life?

I think that I would apply the nutrition information into my life the most because
overall I want to be able to not only look my best and feel confident and happy with
my body but I want to be healthy overall.

3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

It has always been my intention to exercise. . . I walk my dog daily and do mild
resistance training but I don't exercise the way that I should and I disappoint
myself. I need to work up to working out at least five times a week.

4. General ideas for improving this course?

I think that htis class was pretty self explanatory and well organized and the
instructor was easily reached when needed. My only suggestions would be to
offer up different ideas and suggestions to get in different types of exercise that
are fun to do.

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