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The effect of water on an

enclosed ecosystem
TURNER 3.10 Env

How does water effect ecosystems? If it has little water will everything die out or if
it has a lot of water will everything die out?

My problem is that some places of the world have a lot of water, some water, and
no water. The purpose for this is if people can figure out how get water. If different
ecosystems get different amounts of water, then the one with the most will
condensate the most, because of the amount of water it has.

If ecosystems are given different amount of water then the one with most water will
condensate the most because of the amount of water it has

get containers, 2 coffee ground containers and two 2 liter bottles, then get soil, put
2-3 cups in each, then get grass seed, put a teapoon in each of the containers,
next get water, put cup in one container cup in another put 1 cup in the next
one and in the last one put 1 cups, next get lids and set them on top, lastly put
them by a window sill.

water, grass seeds, soil, containers, sun light


The container with the most water did in fact condensate the most, but the one
that had the most amount of growth is the one with little water.

All of the ecosystems had condensation. Condensation was greatest in one with
most water and one with the least water had least amount of condensation.
Plant growth was most in container with least amount of water. Container with
most amount of water had least growth.
Too much or too little water had devastating effects

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