Profile Chantellereynoldsthenurse

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Jeny Russek

English 2
Joyce Mosher PH.D.

Chantelle Reynolds: Our Generation's Savior

Chantelle Marie Reynolds is the name, nursing is the game. Chantelle is 19 year old
student and is studying nursing at her college, a division of the university of Colorado in
Colorado Springs. This summer Chantelle recently got accepted
into Beth-El, the top nursing school in Colorado. She has always
felt she had a connection to the medical world, but that feeling was
amplified in the winter of 2012 when she had to have her first hip
surgery. Recovery for such a large joint is a very long process.
Going through rehab took the longest. I couldnt wait to get back to
doing what I loved. Before her surgery, Chantelle was an avid
dancer and member of the color guard team but she didnt let her
recovery stop her from getting back at it. She felt like she wanted to
make a difference, just like her nurses at the Children's Hospital
helped her with a speedy recovery.
Nursing took her to Colorado Springs, and nursing is what
will keep her there. I was so afraid that I didnt make good enough
scores to get into Beth-El. I think thats the most nervous I have
ever been in my life. She was ecstatic when she received that
famed letter from the college. As she finishes her pre-requisites this

semester, she will be prepping herself for the push of medical based classes that will lead to
clinicals at the local hospital. I cant wait for nursing classes to start! she exclaimed.
The one thing she loves most is helping people in their time of need. When she
graduates she wishes to make it into the competitive world of pediatric surgery, or even the fast
paced, heart wrenching, mentally taxing, field of trauma/emergency room care. One thing is for
sure, if anyone can save lives its Chantelle Marie Reynolds.

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