WP 5 Finaldraft

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Driscoll 1

Jacob Driscoll
Professor Raymond
UWRT 1103
29 September, 2015
Charles I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
My full name is Jacob Paul Driscoll. My name has gone through many changes. The
reason my last name is Driscoll is because I adopted it from my first step-father. Before that my
last name from my biological father was Cruz. The name Jacob comes from the bible. The latin
version of Jacob is lacobus, the greek version is lakobus, and the Hebrew version is
Yaakov. The name Jacob was first used in the Old Testament. Jacob from the Old Testament
is the son of Isaac and Rebecca, and the father of the twelve founders of Israel and the twelve
tribes. Through my research I have found that the name Jacob means supplanter, undermines,
the heel. My middle name is Paul, the Latin version of Paul is Paulus. The word Paulus
means small and humble. My middle name also comes from the Bible, St. Paul was an important
leader of the Christian community during his time.
My mothers family name is Garcia, my birth last name is Cruz, and my current last name
is Driscoll. From my research there are several different meanings of the word Garcia, and that
includes: the spanish meaning brave in battle, the teutonic meaning spear strength, possibly
from the heron, and the last possibility meaning bear. One of my other last names is Cruz
and of what Ive seen it means cross. Last but not least my current last name Driscoll means: in
celtic means interpreter, in irish means mediator, in gaelic means descendent from the
messenger, intermediary, go-between, and news-bearer. I have never looked up the

Driscoll 2
meaning of my name or my family naming, so it has been very interesting to see where my
names came from.
In my family from what I know most first names dont get passed on, except for one two
people, I think it was one of my great uncles and his grandfather. In terms of last name, for the
most part if a male child is born then he will take on the parents last name. If a girl is born, when
she marries she will take on the husbands last name. I think the act of passing down names both
first and last acts as a good way to unify the family. If many of the people in a family had
different last names, at the very least, then there would be no family cohesion and no gathering a
familys name or honor.

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