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Short Story Unit Test

Part One: Vocabulary Matching
Directions: Write the letter of the definition next to the appropriate vocabulary word. (10 points)
a. congenial
b. rubicund

c. rapacious
d. condole

Hiding something or pretending

Annoyed, frustrated, or worried
Displaying wisdom or acuteness
Showing strong feelings or intensity
To express sympathy for someone

e. dissimulation
f. vehemently

g. vexed
h. sagacity

i. simian
j. talisman

Having monkey or ape-like qualities

Aggressively greedy
Having a reddish complexion
A good luck charm
Agreeable or pleasant

Part Two: Multiple Choice

Directions: Write the letter of the best response for each question. (23 points)
11. Which of the following establishes the time, place, and mood of a story?
A. Character
B. Plot
C. Setting
D. Theme
12. __________ is the general atmosphere created by the authors words.
A. Conflict
B. Mood
C. Setting
D. Tone
13. Which of the following occurs when the author reveals the characteristics of character(s) through dialogue and
A. Direct characterization
B. Direct quote
C. Indirect characterization
D. Indirect quote
14. Which represents a life lesson, meaning, moral, or message about life or human nature that is communicated
by a literary work?
A. Allusion
B. Conflict
C. Symbolism
D. Theme
15. Which POV describes the narrator revealing all thoughts, feelings, and actions of the characters?
A. First Person
B. Second Person
C. Third Person Limited
D. Third Person Omniscient
The Landlady
16. The landlady explains that there are no other guests because
A. she is very choosy. B. she dislikes noise. C. the war has ruined her business. D. there is only one room
17. The quote: After all, she not only was harmlessthere was no question about thatbut she was also quite
obviously a kind and generous soul represents which of the following themes?
A. Be careful what you wish for. B. Looks can be deceiving. C. Money cant buy happiness. D. Youthful
18. The Landlady takes place in which English town?
A. Bath
B. Bristol
C. Cardif
19. Where does Billy find the guestbook?
A. In his room
B. On the piano

C. Out in the yard

D. London
D. The second floor landing

20. Which physical feature of Billys does the landlady describe as beautiful?
A. His eyes
B. His feet
C. His hair
D. His teeth
21. Authors use which of the following literary devices to warn readers of a future event?
A. Allusion
B. Foreshadowing
C. Hyperbole
D. Personification
The Monkeys Paw
22. ____________ is a literary device that occurs when an author makes a reference to another work.
A. Allusion
B. Foreshadowing
C. Illusion
D. Personification
23. Where did Sergeant Major Morris spend most of his military time?
A. China
B. England
C. India
D. Indonesia

24. Why cant Mrs. White open the door at the end of the story?
A. She cant reach the bolt. B. She cant see in the dark. C. The bolt is jammed.
open at all.
25. Who placed a spell on the monkeys paw?
A. An old fakir
B. A pagan deity
C. A wise man

D. Sergeant-Major Morris

26. What does the chess game between Herbert and Mr. White symbolize?
A. Herberts military skills
B. Mr. Whites good luck
C. Mr. Whites recklessness
Morriss love
27. What animal does Mr. White blame for the knocking sounds?
A. A bird
B. A cat
C. A dog

D. The door doesnt

D. Sergeant-Major

D. A rat

The Tell-Tale Heart

28. The narrator claims that his attitude toward the old man has always been
A. critical.
B. hateful.
C. loving.
D. malicious.
29. The narrator compares the lantern's ray falling on the eye to
A. a diving eagle.
B. an arrow shot from a bow.
C. a raindrop.
30. On which night does the narrator finally kill the old man?
A. Eighth
B. First
C. Seventh

D. a spider's thread.

D. Twelfth

31. Which adjective does the narrator uses to refer to the old mans eye?
A. Creepy
B. Dangerous
C. Evil
D. Insane
32. After letting the police into the old man's room, where does the narrator sit?
A. Between the police officers
B. He remains standing.
C. Above the hidden corpse
33. In what way has the old man previously wronged the narrator?
A. Cheating him in business
B. Humiliating him in public
C. Refusing to lend him money
no way

D. On the

D. In absolutely

Part Three: Short Answer

Directions: Answer the following question in a short response. (12 points)
34. List the four types of conflicts involving man. Briefly explain each conflict and include whether the conflict is
internal or external.
Part Four: Discussion
Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Please write complete sentences. (10
35. One was a Christopher Mulholland from Cardif. The other was Gregory W. Temple from Bristol. Thats funny, he
thought suddenly. Christopher Mulholland. It rings a bell. Now where on earth had he heard that rather unusual
name before? (Dahl).
The above passage is an example of foreshadowing found in The Landlady. Why is this an important passage in
the story, and which later scene does the passage foreshadow? Please explain your answer in 3-5 sentences.
Part Five: Essay
Directions: Write a well-developed essay to answer the following question thoroughly using complete sentences.
(25 points)
36. Which murderer is more insane: the landlady from The Landlady or the unnamed narrator from The Tell-Tale
Heart? You must cite at least THREE pieces of textual evidence (claim-data-commentary for each) to support your
argument using proper MLA format.

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