MPoH 7 Soln 1

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MATH PROBLEMS or HISTORY Student Name: SS okies S Week 7 1, Solve x?+10x= 56 using al-Khwarizmi’s “Completing the Square” procedure. [Note: this requires to draw a square of side length x, with area of 56 ~ 10x, See last week's notes for examples of this. You'll need to show the square(s) and rectangles... (6 points) Oc. Neem on wee aa ee + Por reetengles 1 xe A(ES%) and is equal te 56 Aves a large Square vf sides (a+) is equa) ke Sem of Pacts SG+ ates) 7 Bl See ‘WMatheralics of Tea notes Cron week @ for this 2. Using Cardan’s formula for solving cubic equations, find one root of (3 points) x +24x=16 % Sec te \4% of Plat) Throng Ages P24 or Py 14S of TT Genies 42-16 z = Afurz + oS faleee + eR 23g +t APS Se ae ane eee fF ay - AE 3. Verify Bombelli’s idea for complex solutions by proving that: (3 points) (¢+JGi)' = 24-27 note: corse de aah sae at (Gem 293 ZA Se 2+ EY, ae ie eavizt G6 wl Se WARY et NWCA aoa ope ee eae Conplen Nivece aitee Gls. 3. Solve the following problem, from Chapter 5 of Cardan’s Ars Magna (1545): (4 points) There were two leaders, each of whom divided 48 aurei (currency, like dollars) among their soldiers. One of these had two more soldiers than the other. The one who had two soldiers fewer had four aurei more for each soldier. Find how many soldiers each had. Vel Xe Ff Dldiers Leader A Leader B B4y Pat has X Soldiers has X42 Seldiers Where each has 54 wore than B paler ee a =) % Bean. ae @ sige Wi i Se, YSx = (x42 C48 4%) ane cine ne ane ao in txt 21> 2 eNO a = ; ye oe (A has 4 Soldiers, 3B bss c| 4, Solve the following problem from Fibonacei’s Liber Acci (1202): (4 points) Two birds start flying from the tops of two towers 50 feet apart; one tower is 30 feet high and the other 40 feet high Starting at the same time and flying at the same rate, the birds reach a fountain on the ground between the bases of the towers at the same moment. How {far is the fountain from each tower? (the fountain is not directly in the middle of the towers) so-% r— so ——“41 dee ec eae cate and tine. 2 [600 * 2S00- 100% +x = AOO* x \oo% = 3zO00 Xs BL so-K= 1% iw ee, 32 FE

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