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Mrs. Fullmer and Mrs.

December News!
During the month of November we learned about many things!
During literacy, we focused on the letters Ll, Ii and Tt. We also met
the SuperKids who go along with those letters! For math, we
learned all about numbers 5 and 6 and practiced patterns and rote
counting! We also discussed our families and Thanksgiving!
The month of December will be
a BUSY month! We will be
focusing on the letters Ff and
Ee, as well as the sounds they
make. We will also be
discussing the numbers 7 and 8
and beginning to discuss ABC
patterns. This month we will
also discuss Kwanzaa, Hanukkah
and Christmas!

Letter Formations

Important Dates:
December 4- Star Keiki
December 10- Ms. Ambers Last Day
December 15- Polar Express PJ Day/Holiday Celebration
December 17- PTO Social at 8am Holiday Program at 9am
December 18-January 1- Holiday Break
With the holidays, many families are planning trips back to the mainland.
Please let me know if your child will be missing any days of school so I can
have his/her things ready to go with them before they leave Thanks!

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