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University of Scranton

Miss Molitoris, Miss Kleppinger, and Miss Bopp

8th Grade English Language Arts
Title: English Language Arts
Subject Area: Literary Devices
Grade Level: 8th Grade
Summary of Lesson: The student will be able to define the literary
devices discussed in class from the PowerPoint, identify the literary
devices in the Echosmith Bright song, and construct a short
paragraph utilizing each literary device at least once.
CC.1.3.8.l: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning
words and phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a
range of strategies and tools.
CC.1.3.8.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering
a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Essential Questions

Objectives- Audience, Behavior,

Condition, Degree

-Can you identify a simile?

-Can you identify a metaphor?
-Can you identify imagery?
-Can you identify personification?
-Can you determine the correct
literary device from the example
-Can you develop a short
paragraph utilizing each literary
device discussed?
The student of Miss Molitoris, Miss
Kleppingers, and Miss Bopps 8th
grade English class will be able to
Define the literary devices
(simile, metaphor, imagery,
and personification)
discussed in class.
Identify the literary devices
in the Echosmith Bright
song and Kahoot quiz.
Construct a short paragraph
utilizing each literary device
discussed at least once.


Estimated Time

after the 30 minute lesson with an

80% accuracy.
Simile- a figure of speech
involving the comparison of
one thing with another thing
of a different kind
Metaphor-a figure of speech
in which a word or phrase is
applied to an object or
action to which it is not
literally applicable
Imagery- Uses figurative
language to represent
objects, actions and ideas in
a way that appeals to our
physical senses
Personification- a figure of
speech in which a thing, an
idea or an animal is given
human attributes, The nonhuman objects are
portrayed in such a way that
we feel they have the ability
to act like human beings
30 Minutes

Materials Required

Teacher: Computer, pencil or pen,

handouts, PowerPoint, paper
Students: Pencil or pen


1. Gain attention of the
student by informing her
that she will be learning
literary devices.
2. Describe the goal to the
student that by going
through the PowerPoint and
exercises the student will be
able to identify the specific
literary devices from the
provided examples and will
be able to construct her own
paragraph utilizing each
literary device.

Gagnes 9 Events of Instruction

Monitor/Clarify Comprehension
Constructivist Learning Theory

3. Stimulate the recall of prior

knowledge by reminding the
student that she may have
seen some of these literary
devices before and to try to
recall information from the
examples provided.
4. Present the material to be
learned by showing the
student a PowerPoint on the
literary devices (Simile,
Metaphor, Personification,
and Imagery) and having
her read the examples
provided. Then having her
identify the literary devices
in the Echosmith song, as
well as, in the Kahoot quiz.
5. Provide guidance for
learning by aiding and
monitoring the student as
she works on identifying the
devices in the Echosmith
6. Elicit performance practice
by ensuring that the student
has an opportunity to ask
questions and identifies the
correct literary devices in
the song, as well as, the
7. Provide informative
feedback by encouraging
the student during the
Echosmith exercise and the
Kahoot quiz. Also, explaining
incorrect answers to the
8. Assess performance by
having the student construct
a paragraph utilizing each
literary device at least once.
9. Enhance retention and
transfer by having the

student read the paragraph

out loud and identify each
literary device she used.
Also, have the student
expand on the paragraph if
there is more time.
Furthermore, providing
positive reinforcement by
telling the student she is
doing a good job.
Formative Assessment
Student Resources

Kahoot Quiz, Echosmith Song

Bright, and Paragraph exercise
PowerPoint, Miss Molitoris, Miss
Bopp, and Miss Kleppinger


We will aid the student when she

is working on identifying the
literary devices in the Echosmith
song, as well as, when she is
writing her paragraph by
monitoring her work and being
available for her questions.


Kahoot quiz, Paragraph exercise,

Echosmith Song Bright exercise

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