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General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

Co-Teaching Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Math
Grade Level: First Grade
Class Description: Understanding the concept of money and accurately adding and subtracting it.
Classroom Arrangement: Desks formed in two groups
Students with Disabilities:

Disability Classification

Thomas Jones

Learning Disability

Shelly Tomlin

Other Health Impairment


IEP Accommodations and

Assistive Technology
Thomas will be given a visual
representation of the schedule of
steps that is to occur during this
lesson, which will help him grasp
a better understanding of what

Additional Modifications for

this Lesson
During both stations, Thomas will
be given problems that
incorporate the same
cents/decimal, so the answer is a
whole number. For example,
$1.25-$0.25 or $1.50+$0.50.
During the anticipatory set, ensure Thomas will not be working with
that neither teacher will call on
problems that use different cent
Thomas unless his hand is raised. amounts.
Shelly will also be given a visual
representation of the schedule of
steps that is to occur during this
lesson. This will hopefully keep
her on track as she will be able to
see what she has completed as
well as what still needs to be
During both stations, Shelly will
be seated next to the teacher so

For this lesson, there are no

modifications appropriate for

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

that the teacher can nudge Shelly

to get back on track when she
looses focus. This seat location
will also be on the end of a table,
so that Shelly is able to move to
the floor to work on her problems.
During the whole class, both
teachers will ensure that
movement is being incorporated
for Shelly. Ways of doing this can
include the above example as well
as having Shelly write the answers
on the board when doing the WE
DO part of each station.

A. Purpose: For students to be able to understand the importance and usage of money as well as be able to correctly
add and subtract it, so they accurately know how much money they have.
B. Objective(s) must be measurable:
i. The students will be able to accurately add or subtract 9 out of 10 currency problems to the correct dollar and
cents for mastery.
ii. The students will be able to accurately explain the importance of money and the value it has, using the key
vocabulary of currency and worth. Identifying what each dollar bill as well as cent is worth, for mastery

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

C. Content Standards:
i. 2.2.1.A: Apply concepts of addition and subtraction to solve problems up to ten, both in dollars and in cents.
ii. 2.2.1.D: Estimate values, sums, and differences of quantities and conclude the reasonableness of those
D. Essential Questions:
i. What is money used for? Why is it important?
ii. How do we know the worth of our currency? For example, a dollar bill or quarter coin?
iii. How can we accurately figure out how much money we have or do not have?
E. Key Vocabulary: addition, sum, subtraction, total, currency, worth; *These will be incorporated into the lesson,
but it is expected that the students have previous knowledge of these vocabulary words. If students seem to not
comprehend these vocabulary words, the teachers will ensure that they are clearly defined by writing definitions on
the board for students to copy down.
F. Materials: paper money, plastic coins, notebook paper, pencil or pen, chalk board or white board for teacher

Procedures (This is an example to use if you were co-teaching. Complete your duties and then add hypothetical
duties for the special education teacher.)

A. Anticipatory Set: Ask the students if they like going to the grocery store with their parents. Do they get to pick out
snacks to bring home? What is their favorite? Do they know how much it costs? How do they pay for it? Let the
students share their stories (briefly) and then explain to them that money must be used to buy these snacks they
love and all the food they find at their homes as well as clothes. Tell them that this makes money very important, so
we are going to learn how to correctly count money so that two things can happen in their lives: they know how
much money they have available to spend and they will be able to make sure they get the correct change back from
the cashier.

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________




e Teach,
One Support
e Teach,
One Observe

Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

General Education Teacher

Special Education Provider


Follow the questions and points

laid out in the anticipatory set.
Make sure every student that
wants to share does.

Observing and seeing if any

students have no knowledge of
the concept of money, which
whom may need extra help.

Listening to the
thoughts and ideas of
the students. Allow
for each student to
share their thoughts
and teacher will write
them on the board for
the students to also
copy down in their

B. Body of the Lesson/Lesson Development: Separate the students into two groups to teach addition of money (general
educators) in one station and subtraction of it in another station (special educators).
e Teach,
One Support


General Education Teacher

First start off by seeing how
minutes well they can add and just give
them whole numbers to add
together (ex- $1+$3). I will
show an example problem on
teacher the board, then we will do a
new one as a class, and lastly I
will give them a problem to
each do independently. Once

Special Education Provider


Begin the subtraction portion
by having the student explain
and try to show me how to
subtract. After they try to teach
me how to subtract, I will
correct any misunderstanding
of basic subtraction. Then I
will apply, it to money in
whole dollar forms like $20-$5.

Looking over each

students notes to see
if they have improved
and can accurately
add and subtract. Also
watching them work
on the problems
during each station,
which will be present
in their notebooks.

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


e Teach,
One Observe

they seem to have this concept

understood, go over the
different values of each coin
(penny, nickel, dime, and
quarter). Next, I will model
how to add these new complex
numbers together. I will then
create a new problem for us to
do as a class. Finally, I will
give them 9 examples to add
together in their notebooks for
me to collect: $1.25+$2.10, and
so on. I will add more values
for those students who seem to
comprehend the concept. This
will then push them more. I
will encourage the students to
use the paper money provided
to help them visual see the
increase in money. The paper
money will also help those
students struggling with the

Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

I will show the group how to

subtract this amount. Then the
group as a whole will do
several problems. After that the
students will pair up and use
the paper money and plastic
coins to work on the problems
given to them. They will write
their work on a piece of paper
and show the teacher when
asked to display it.
The second part of subtraction
with money is cents, or
decimals. To have the student
feel more comfortable, there
will be one side of the teachers
white board, or chalk board,
there will be pictures of coins,
and the student will be asked to
go to the teachers board and
explain the how much each
coin is worth.
After that, I will model how to
subtract with decimals that
complete to a whole number.
For example, $2.50-$1.50. The
class will then do a similar
problem as a whole, and lastly
by themselves or with their
partners. Lastly, I will follow
the same steps as above, but

After each station, the

given teacher will
collect each students
sheet which they
worked on their
problems on so they
can check for
accuracy and mastery.

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

incorporating cents of different

amounts, so their answers are
more complex. I will start
subtracting simply cents from
each other and move onto
larger numbers. For example,
$0.05-$0.01 to $0.75-$0.25.

C. Closure or Concluding Activity: Review as a whole class and recap what they did in each teachers station.
e Teach,
One Support
e Teach,
One Observe



General Education Teacher

Built off of the special

educators thoughts and points.
minutes Give the students two problems
(one addition and one
subtraction) for them to do on
an exit ticket.

Special Education Provider

Start off by recapping what
they did today and how
important money is as well as
why it is necessary to be able
to add and subtract it.

Exit ticket with their
name on it and a final
addition and
subtraction problem
with money.

Follow-Up Activities: Independent Practice, Enrichment, or Reinforcement: We can give the students a longer
grocery list with prices of what each thing cost. In addition to this, we will have these products, candy and school
supplies, spread out on a table in the room to sample an isle at the grocery store. We will also give them $10 in paper
money and tell them they must choose what things they can buy for $10. Remind the students that parents often times

General Educator: _______Caitlin Nalipa____________


Special Service Provider: ________Deanna

create grocery lists before going shopping. The students will then also create a list with how much each product cost
next to the name. Once the students have completed their list, they will be allowed to go shopping. At the register
the teacher will add up their total, and make sure they have the same total on their grocery list.

A. Of Student Learning: The exit ticket will show how well the students know the concept of adding and subtracting
money and who needs more help and greater explanation of it.
B. Of Teacher Processes: See if majority of the students understood your station based on their exit tickets as well as
collected work. Also observe them during your stations teaching. After looking at this information, the general
education teacher and the special education teacher will compare results and see what went well. For example, if
more students achieved mastery in addition rather than subtraction, work with one another to see what differences
were in each teachers lesson and what should be added to or even taken out of each lesson for more students to
achieve mastery.

See: The New York States Common Core Engage web site:, If you have not written Behavioral Objectives,
check the resource document in the assignment folder.

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