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Master of Teaching (P-12) SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MASTER OF TEACHING (P-12) TEACHING PRACTICE EVALUATION EDUSTEB — TEACHING PRACTICE B For use by Supervising Teachers and by LTU Supervisors NAME OF STUDENT mela Gecnc DATES OF PLACEMENT 34 hug ~ 28 Bug. aot NUMBER OF DAYS COMPLETED | 0 Davy ‘SCHOOL/SITE Portland North Primary Shoo |. YEAR LEVELS Slo SUPERVISING TEACHER'S NAME | jj eyciy Coron Please MARK “X” at the appropriate grading(s) in each section of this form, and comment according to your evaluation of the student’s performance relative to this stage of the course and against the National Standards for Graduate Teachers. ‘The seven National Standards for Graduate Teachers group the professional work of teachers into three categories: professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement. This evaluation form adopts that structure. Supervising teachers are asked to use the scales provided to indicate their evaluation of the student's demonstrated performance in each of the seven areas, using the scale provided. The scale categories should be interpreted as follows: ‘Outstanding (equivalent to a mark in the range 80% ~ 100%) Demonstrated performance at a level of excellence markedly above the standard expected at this stage of the course in all relevant areas Very Good (equivalent to a mark in the range 70% - 79%), Demonstrated performance at a level clearly above the standard expected at this stage of the course in all relevant areas Good (equivalent to a mark in the range 60% - 69%) A level of performance deemed satisfactory and equivalent to the standard expected at this stage in the course overall, and of a higher standard in some aspects Fair (equivalent to a mark in the range 0% -59%) A level of performance deemed satisfactory and equivalent to the standard expected at this stage in the course Unsatisfactory (equivalent to a mark in the range 0% - 49%) level of performance deemed below the standard expected at this stage in the course 15 ‘Master of Teaching (P-12) PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Unsatisfactory Fair Good Very Good _| Outstanding Standard 1 Knows students and how they learn Standard 2 Knows the content and how toteachit a Comments on professional knowledge, relative to this stage in the course Amelia trough observahon anol praclise Was able to idenhhg Stuctent's absidy encl chsplayed qd willingness lo worle wilh ach monitor Mer progress throughout a@ esson. Ste established a Posttwe repperk wil lhe Shrclents eden with Me shuclents conhidence fo ask for her assmerance. Amelia was able fo establish he srudenls trek required additonal ass'/skana and guicleince $0 reman on besk when Reaching her /es$095, She roamecc| ho ensure shudents were on feGh encl estedblsh whelher Students were SUCCESSfully Cunrpletirg emchuihes Amelia wes wel prepared fer each lesson Her cletwery Of 125905 Showed @ trowledge Of cohesive Shruchwe wilh achvihes trak ware ve levanl, copnectecl bacle to the learning imbentiern circ applicable be Me sruclent’s level wilh bhoughe bo difperentia tion 16 Master of Teaching (P-12) PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Unsatisfactory Fer Good Very Good | Outstanding Standard 3 Plans for and implement effective teaching and wv learning Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments v ‘Standard 5 Assesses and provides feedback and reports on ~~ student learning ‘Comments on professional practice, relative to this stage in the course Amelia's lessons weve Siruchirecl Cobhesively wilh a Clear kevining Interiin eel Success Crilena, baseel on Knowleclge ascertained from clisc135/00 of the Stuclent’s Jere) arch Comelahon wilh the Ausbbraticn Cumiculaum Amelia was able bo moniter Shudenb prrogress trrough Ine successfe! Completon of achuihes arel “concluding — tiscussion The achuhe witnin Amela's lessons were relerani= 10 the concept (hearning Inlenbou) ald elisplayed oughe wo mohvohng Stucenk learnivrg rel for Shuctent to successbully complete sek Fosks Amelia was able ba Sito develya a Senes OF lessons fo build on Shudent Under starcling with here lessons ofp Probabrlihg 7 Master of Teaching (P-12) PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT Unsatisfactory Fair Good Very Good | Outstanding ‘Standard 6 Engages in professional learning ‘Standard 7 Engages professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community ‘Comments on professional engagement, relative to this stage in the course Amelia alterclecl fhe PAT sessions arel Sheff mechings . She fk Moles ab PLT sessions , base? 27 reading, Gnol WAS alwoys willing bo relate wheal wes ciscussed NINN Ine Aushalion Cumculuny, She Viewed ch Reading Recovery Session ancl ofher 4lsle Classes YO build en her Knewlecige of subyect conkenk cancl cleliver Amelia ctteroled specialist subechs CPE, music, rt, GENERAL COMMENTS and RECOMMENDATIONS General comments and overall evaluation Amelia has a keerile attetecle, She clispleged a posithve repport with Me Shadents acl & nillingness to kelta Om aduce cnel queshon, 10 build on her lenowledge ef Shracrureg a fessor) prouding qualiny 4 relevink achvihes ancl assessing Shuclenl Success Being Amelia's frat experience In a Pamerg Sethrg orel Sle class She dlispleged Shrong giowen clue to her Amelia’ § round was elisruplect wilh Swimming ard Geveral acwittes | She Was able fo aclaph acd wes willing be bake @r ong lesson Yequeslecl. Saceienr.!/ dech cated manrer. Master of Teaching (P-12) Relative to this stage in the course, strong performance was demonstrated in ... * Planning ancl ergamsahen of her lessons, ensuring She was ready md hak a clear Under sranding OF content “making Connechons with Ihe Austrehan carn culun + MiMingness 4 take 0 advice Gref aS cabast Cumeulum clelwery fo advance her kKnowlecige » Assess bev seach) and recegnise where improvements “Could be wade Relative to this stage in the course, particular attention is necessary in... ‘Ser expectehons im relahen 'o behaviour 2Use varied fechnigues for class clisciplne * Medel expecrahons y.selechrg inferences in a lex To best promote this pre-service teacher's development, |/we recommend ... Amelia, Contrnue jo be posihve orel willirg fo learn Fhreugh Felking 0M aclace axel aeking queshens relahed fo implementirg concepls acl analysirg Srucdenk’s wore $0 furtner acvence Meie Jeorning it's femtic bo see you back bor a week in tre prep class 1 gam en mee _ v Fourad © “Greav _ctetiechen. Wel tie bere _ Jeu DATE ‘SUPERVISING TEACHER/S. The final mark is calculated by (SIGNATURE/S).. “Ces. LTU staff as a percentage DATE SITE COORDINATOR based on the report of the (SIGNATURE suinnnmnnne_| supervising teacher DATE PRE-SERVICE TEAC! (SIGNATURE)

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