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Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015
Hi! I am wondering that you have a good day, my name is Katia Michel Melo
Pozos and Im student of the college Instituto Anglo Britanico, and we are working on a
program named raptor, and really I dont know why we need to learn how to use Raptor
but the IB program says that we need to learn raptor until
December, and now it is October, maybe this program is
going to help me in my future, but now I think that
learning raptor is boring and also I think that this program
is not useful for my teen life, also until december we need
to learn how to use Quick Basic, but this program we only
have used one time until now
The nature of the problem is that every time that we have technology class we need to
work on Raptor program, and the IB program says that we need to learn how to use
raptor until December and now it is October so we have 3 months to learn how to use
raptor program, I think that most of our generation dont like to learn this program.
The people that are being affected by the problem
are the students of 9th grade of the college
Instituto Anglo Britanico, we need to learn this but
we dont know what is the purpose of this but
maybe this program will help some students in
their careers, but maybe this program is not going
to benefit others, but this is going to be a tool for
all of us, this could be a benefit four our future
and it can help us in many things and maybe it is
a good tool but maybe now it is boring for us.
The problem is occurring in the college Instituto
Anglo Britanico and it is located in Apodaca
Nuevo Leon and this is problem is affecting the generation of 9th grade, and we need to
learn this because the IB program says that we need to learn Raptor and Quick basic
The cause of the problem is that I need to put more attention when the teacher is
explaining, I think that if I put more attention I will learn faster and it will be more easy to
me to do the things, it will be easier when we need to work with raptor or with Quick
Basic program.
The effect of the problem that is going to have is that I will get better grades, and I will
learn faster if I put attention in class and also to all the inidcations that the teacher is
saying so I need to put more attention to learn this faster and work easier in Raptor and
Quick Basic Program

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015
I think that negative thinks of learning quick basic is that and raptor is that maybe in a
future I am not going to use this program, but maybe it could help me in a future, but we
dont know the future so I dont know, but I think that negative things of this two
programs is that I think that in my teen life is not
going to be useful, another thing is for me is boring
to learn this program.
In recent years programing is a tool so useful
nowadays because, technology is the future, so this
could be a tool for all of us, but every day that we
have technology class we hate to do Raptor and
Quick Basic program, this could help us but we think
that it have no sense to learn this because many of
us this tool is not going to be much useful like the
other people that are going to study something related with programs and all stuff like
that, it could be an addvantage if the little kids learn to how to program because it will be
more easier when they are older.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

This bimester we are working with raptor, this is a program of diagram flow, so in this
document I am going to explain you how to use the flow diagram in raptor, and I am
going to explain the different symbols that I know how to use it. So I am going to explain
you how to use the outputs, the inputs and also the assignment, in the time of this
bimester I already work with three flow diagrams in the program Raptor.

In raptor we are working with the symbols, the first that we start using was the output,
the output is to put text in quotation marks () if you dont put the quotation marks it will
not function and it will say you like a message saying you that it can be possible to put
the text that you want, and in output is to put messages.

Now we are working with the symbol input, the inputs its to save
the answers that the person put in the computer, in the prompt you need to write with
quotation marks () and then in the variable you need to put key words only the
necessary words and the variable dont need to have quotation marks. You will see on
the next image an example of an input. Like you can see the first message it has
quotation marks and then it has a key word and it says only year.

Now this time we are working with assignment, the assignment is to put a mathematical
problem and then the computer is going to give you the answer of your problem, in set
you need to put what you want to find, and in to you need to put like a variable of what
you want to find. At you can observe in the figure it give an example of an assignment.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015
As you can see we are converting dollars
to pesos you first you put the dollars that
you have and then you put the quantity of
the cost of the dollars and then you put
like an equation that you are going to
convert the dollars to pesos.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

In this flow diagram, we are making operations for getting English and math grade, so
first you put the math grade and then you put your English grade and then you put in the
assignment square you put like an equation, in this example you need to sum Math and
English grades and then you dived the sum of the two and the you divided by two.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

In her I am explaining and showing how to calculate the age and also giving you like a
question and an answer, so first you put your age and then depending on your age the
computer will give you an answer in this case if you can go or no to the party.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015




Do you think raptor is useful?

Raptor is useful for teens?


Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

Person interviewed: Claudia Ivette Arroyo Tovar, Age 12
Do you think Raptor is useful?
Do you would like to learn how to use Raptor?
Yes, for a future
Do you think that is useful for your teen life?
Do you would use Raptor to do a mathematic problem?

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

Identify and Prioritize the research

The positive things of Raptor are.. Maybe now this is your question well
I will explain you the positive things of this program, I know that I only has been talking
bad aspects of raptor but now I will tell you for what things raptor is useful, and you will
see the positive side of this wonderful tool, for your career or maybe now in your daily
The positive aspects of Raptor program is that maybe you can use this program for
mathematic operations; you can use this program when you have math homework, you
can put the problem, the formula and then the computer will give you the answer and it
will be more easy for you to do your math homework and all your operations, and if our
teacher need to see the procedure, dont be preoccupied because the program will give
you the answer at the left side.
There are more aspects of Raptor program, but I think that it will be better if you
discovered by your own.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

How to use Quick Basic?

So now here we go another time working with program but now I am more
happy because we are at some days till December so only few days to finish with
working with programs, but the different thing is that now we are working with another
program that is Quick Basic, but I have a notice for you, if you dont learn first how to
use Raptor it would be more difficult to learn how to use Quick Basic, so this programs
has positive things and negative things like all in this life.
So now I will tell you some basic things to use this program:
CLS: This first command that will clear the screen before you do an operation, after all
of the things that you are going to write first you need to put this command you can see
it on the next picture.

Locate: So simple as the word says locate is to say where you want to see the text so if
you put locate 7, 20 the text is going to be located in that certain point. So you can see
an example of location but in other certain points of location.

Color: So this command is to put or apply one color to the words or phrases
is going to be in an specific color, so for example if you put COLOR 8. So you
can see the example on the next picture.

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015
Input: So now the command print is a command to put information for example you and
put a question and then a variable so for example:
INPUT what is your math grade? ; math
So you can see that first I put the question then I put quotes an then the variable that in
this case is math. So now see the example in the next picture.

Score: So in here same as raptor you need to put an operation to get a result so for get
a result you need to start the operation like this
SCORE= <question+question> /division
So you can see that for get a result you need to an operation, so now see the below
example in the next picture.

Print: So this command says like an order or a message that the computer says, so for
example this command have a question and then the question has an answer so see it
in the example.
INPUT: What is your math grade? ; math
So now see it better in the picture below.

So now to finish a program you need to


Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

Katia Michel Melo Pozos

#15 9B
October 15th, 2015

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