Research and Writing Processes December 1

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Bullying Research Unit

8th Grade English

Miss. Olszewski 2015-2016

Essential Question:
Main Questions
1. How does bullying affect our school community?
2. Where does the bullying in our school community come from?
3. Where does bullying come from in the story and how does this
compare with where bullying comes from in our own school?
4. How are all the participators in bullying perceived by others?
Smaller Questions
1. What are the Google Search Strategies I would use to learn about
bullying in the education system?
2. What criteria for annotations helps me assess the credibility of
Overarching Research QuestionWhere does bullying come
from in the story and how does this compare with where
bullying comes from in our school?
This unit plan is about giving students a chance to make a
difference in the school community. Students will be given the
responsibility of informing their schoolmates, teachers, school
administrators and parents about bullying in our community. Students
will use Thirteen Reasons Why as their focal text throughout the unit
After finishing the main text, students will be placed into small
groups. Each group will choose a theme from the book answering one
or more of the following questions:

Where does bullying come from in the novel?

How does bullying affect the bullied?
How does bullying affect the bully?
Individually, each student in the group will write a thematic essay
based on the theme they have chosen.
Next, the students will work on a combined group project, with
the same small group. The students will conduct secondary research
on bullying in the education system nation-wide and laws and policies
created on bullying nation-wide. Each group will use Diigo to organize
and annotate the research they are conducting. The students will use a
group blog to keep record of their research.
In the small groups, students will storyboard for a multimodal
project with a digital platform of the groups choosing. During the
creation of the multimodal project there will be informal presentations
during class time. During class time, the students will give feedback on
the presentation to assist the students in creating the most effective
presentation the group can. The presentation will show the class what
the group has discovered throughout their secondary research.
After conducting secondary, the class will conduct research in the
school to see where bullying comes from in our school community. As a
class, they will write a collaborative formal written report about the
research you have conducted in the school, the research you found
about schools in the country, and the comparison to the themes in the
book to the themes of bullying in our school. Each group will be
responsible for a particular part of the paper. The research protocol will
include research problem, conceptual framework for bullying, methods
of data collection, methods of analysis, findings, significance and
implications for further research.
As a class, the students will create an IMovie presentation to
share with the school during an assembly to inform the school
community about how bullying in our school relates to the book, and
bullying in the nation. The students will come up with suggestions,
based on their findings, for what the school can do for bullying in our
school community.
Students will be required to keep a Research Journal throughout
the unit plan; the journal will be digital, the blog, and hand written.
Students will use their research journal to document and evaluate their
research processes. The research journal can also be used as a
resource for the class as they continue through their research.

I have read and understand the instructions in the Bullying Research

Unit Plan.
Student Signature __________________________________________________
Date ___________________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________________
Date ___________________

Unit Plan Vocabulary List

Do not use this list! You will have to refer to this vocab list throughout
the unit plan. Add a digital copy of this list to your blog.
1. Bully

2. Victim

3. Ally

4. Bystander

5. Harass

6. Cyber bullying

7. Prevention

8. Diversity

9. Bullycide














Zero Tolerance

Design Principles Vocabulary List

1. Composition

2. Perspective

3. Visual Symbols

4. Color Contrast

5. Gaze

6. Arrangement of Details

7. Body Positioning

8. Lighting

9. Narrative




Intended Audience


Focal Point











The following concept map shows the steps for searching, annotating and assessing
credibility of sources. In order to begin the research process, you must first
understand the importance of credible sources. You can locate this concept map at the
following link:

Part One:
Internet Search Questions
Directions: Please answer the following questions in complete
sentences. Please make sure your responses are detailed, and there is
explanation where needed.

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet everyday?

2. What is your favorite Internet browser? Why? (DETAIL)

3. Have you used any Internet browsers that you dislike? Which
Internet browsers? If so, why? (DETAIL)

4. Do you use the Internet to read news articles? If so, which news
sites are you most familiar with? (DETAIL)

4a. Do you use the Internet on a desktop? A laptop? A cellphone? A


4b. Referring to Internet searching, which of the following do you

spend the most time on? Which of the following do you spend the
least time on?

5. Do you know any search strategies that will help you during
research for the Bullying Research Project?

Part Two: Google Search Strategies

Domain Searches

This sheet is for you to reference about conducting domain searches

throughout the research process.

Domain searches help narrow down your search results.

Domains .edu and .gov will be the two domain searches you will
use mostly during this research project.

Using .edu and .gov domains help establish the reliability of your
search results.

The domain .edu tells Google that you only want search results
on educational websites.

The domain .gov tells Google that you only want search results
on government agency websites.

The images below show you how to type these domains into the
Google search bars.

Do not forget NO space between the word site and the


Part Three: Annotating and Saving on Diigo

Annotating and Saving on Digo


Reference this worksheet when you need a reminder on how to use the
Digo to annotate, and how to save articles to your outliner.

Once you find your article, use the Diigo widget titled, Digolet.
Once you click the Digolet widget, a toolbar will appear in the top
right hand side of your screen. (See Below Image)

Use the highlight and note button to note important parts of the
Use the Digo button Share, in the toolbar, to save the webpage
and the annotations to your Bully Research Outliner. (See below


Open the Outliner and add any notes to help you use the
webpage at a later time.
Ticket out the Door: Checklist for Part Two and Part Three

Searching and Diigo Checklist

Directions: Complete the following checklist before class is

over today. When each task is completed, put a checkmark on
the line. Before leaving class, hand in the checklist.
1. Locate one Bullying Website using the domain search .edu ________
2. On the Bullying Website, find an article or Web page you feel will be
useful to your research of Bullying in the education system. _______
3. Read the article or Web page. _______
4. Use Diigo Widgets (Highlight and Notes) to annotate an
important part of the website. ________
5. Save the above website to your Digo Bully Research Outliner.
6. Locate one Bullying Website using the domain search .gov _______
7. Read the article or Web page. ________
8. On the Bullying Website, find an article or Web page you feel will be
useful to your research of Bullying in the education system. _______
9. Use Diigo Widgets (Highlight and Notes) to annotate an
important part of the website. _______
10. Save the above website to your Diigo Bully Research Outliner.

Directions: If you had any difficulty doing this task, or could

not complete the task by the end of class, please write below


what issues you encountered throughout the exercise. If you

need more space to explain, use the back.

Part Four: Annotating to Assess CredibilityRefer to this worksheet for

EVERY source.

Annotating to Assess Credibility

Directions: Complete the following questions before leaving

class today. Choose one of the articles from yesterdays class
to assess the credibility of the article. Before leaving class,
hand in the worksheet.
1. Who is the author? What are the authors credentials? Does the
author have a title? Has the author written more articles?

2. Does the author reference any other works?

3. What is the authors claim?


4. What is the authors evidence?

5. What story is the author telling?

6. How is the author telling the story? Include the following in your
response, pictures and design elements, descriptive images,
people referenced, issues identified, characterizations of the


7. What are the authors biases?

Learning Beyond the Classroom: Jing Videos

Jing Videos are short instructional videos. In these videos, I take you
step-by-step through certain aspects of the research process. These
videos are important for you to watch and practice along with as we
are going through our research process.
Throughout the unit plan, these videos will be mandatory assignments
for you to watch before the class period where we will be discussing
the topic in the video. You will use the links below to access the Jing
Please use the following Jing Videos to enhance your learning.
Throughout the research process Jing Videos can be used as a
reminder for certain aspects of research.
Links to the Jing Videos can be found on the concept map at the
following link
Google Search Strategies Jing Videos:

Annotating and Saving on Diigo Jing Videos:
Annotating to Assess Credibility Jing Videos:
The following concept map shows the different areas of online research
you will be conducting. You will be researching bullying in the
education system, and the laws and policies on bullying in the
education system around the nation.
It is important to remember, as you locate sources you should ALWAYS
be assessing the credibility of the sources you have found. Do not take
everything you find on the Internet at face value.
You can access the concept map at the following link


Research Journal
During the research process, you will keep your own research journal.
The research journal will consist of a physical copy (preferably in a
binder) and a digital journal.
You will use the work in your research journal to help create your final
The research Journal will be 25% of your total grade for the Bullying
Research Unit.

Binder Research Journal Items:

Include all free writes done during class throughout the Research Unit
Include all Tickets out the Door done in class throughout the Research
Include all Reflections written throughout the Research Unit
Include all notes and outlines for your Thematic Essay
Include all Notes and outlines for your research

Digital Journal Items:


All assigned personal blog entries

All assigned group blog entries
Diigo Outliners
All assigned reflections blog entries
All digital notes and outlines for your research

It is important for you to have all the written assignments as a

part of your research journal. Everything you write throughout
the Bullying Research Unit is just as important as your final

There will be a mid-way Research Journal checklist to make sure

you have everything you need mid-way through the unit plan.

You are encouraged to include more than just the assigned

writing assignments in your research journal. The more you
include the more you will have to use for your final product.

Thirteen Reasons Why Thematic Essay


You will be assigned a group. As a group, you will choose a theme

in the book claiming where bullying comes from. This theme
should be chosen because you want to research about how the
theme in the novel compares to bullying in your school. The
comparison to the school will be completed at a later time.

Each member of the group will write their own thematic essay
about the theme chosen.

This essay should be uploaded to your Google Documents. The

Essay should be saved as 13 Reasons Thematic Essay.

The essay should be 3-5 pages in length.

The essay should be double-spaced and 12 sized Times New

Roman or Arial font.

The essay should include direct quotations from the book to

support your claim.

Once you complete your Thirteen Reasons Why thematic essay,

you should upload your essay to your blog

The Thematic Essay will be 20% of your final grade

Thirteen Reasons Why Thematic Essay


The theme you choose in the book should answer the following
o Where does bullying come from in the novel?
o How does bullying affect the bullied?
o How does bullying affect the bully?

The themes you can choose from include, but are not limited to
the following:
o Betrayal
o Rumors
o Violence
o Disrespect
o Sex
o Lack of Love
o Lack of Responsibility for Actions
o Small moments making lasting impacts
o Reputations


Combined Group Project

After completing your own thematic essay, you will begin to work
with your group on the theme you have chosen together.

You will conduct secondary research to further your knowledge of

bullying in the education system nation wide. You will also
research laws and policies that have been created on bullying
nation-wide. You will conduct this research individually and
collaboratively as a group.

You will organize your online research on Diigo. You will share
your findings with your group members and the class on your
groups blog page.

As a group you will combine your research to compose a

storyboard of your findings. As a group, you will create a
multimodal project using a digital platform of your choosing. The
digital platform must be discussed with me before you begin
your project. You will use this storyboard assist you in the
creation of your multimodal project.

During the creation of your storyboard and multimodal project,

there will be informal presentations during class time. During this
time, your classmates will give you feedback on your
presentation to assist you in creating the most effective


presentation your group can. The sheet that will include this
feedback can be found on the following pages.

The storyboard is worth 15% of your final grade.

The combined multimodal project is worth 10% of your final


Combined Group Project

Digital Platforms you can use for your project include, but are not
limited to
o IMovie
o Prezi
o Glogster
o PowerPoint Presentation

Questions you should be able to respond to when you are

completed with your research should include the following.
Please Answer these questions on your blog. How you should
label these questions on your blog are in parenthesis and bolded
at the end of each question.

1. What are five laws that have affected bullying in the education
system? (Bullying and Laws)
2. What are five school policies in The United States about bullying?
(Bullying Laws and Education)
3. Compare our definition of three of the following terms to how
society views the following terms, based on three different
articles you found that address that term. (Comparison of
a. Bully
b. Victim
c. Ally
d. Bystander
e. Harass
f. Cyber bullying
g. Prevention
h. Diversity
i. Bullycide
j. Discrimination
k. Stereotype
l. Passive
n. Aggressive

o. Discipline
p. Zero Tolerance
4. For two images your group located describe how the design
principles affect the viewers perception of the topic. Refer to the
design principles vocab list for assistance. If your image is in an
article please describe why the author chose that image. (Image
and Design Principles)
5. How does the research you conducted relate to the theme from
the novel you have chosen? (Comparison)

Presentation Feedback
Critiques Name
1. How can the group better utilize design principles for their

2. What are the strengths of this presentation?


3. What are the weaknesses of this presentation?

4. Did the sequence of the presentation flow well? Why or why not?

5. How can the group better incorporate images in their



6. How can the group better incorporate videos in their


7. How can the group better use language in their presentation?

8. How can the group use a more effective color scheme?

9. What other recommendations can you give to the group?


What other digital platform would you recommend the
group use to portray their information?

Assembly Presentation

As a class, you will conduct research in the school to see where

bullying comes from in our school community.
As a class, you will write a collaborative formal written report about the
research you have conducted in the school, the research you found
about schools in the country, and the comparison to the themes in the


book to the themes of bullying in our school. Each group will be

responsible for a particular part of the paper.
The research protocol will include research problem, conceptual
framework for bullying, methods of data collection, methods of
analysis, findings, significance and implications for further research.
The multimodal presentation will condense this formal written
assignment into an effective presentation to show at a school assembly
where you will share your findings. You will use some of the material
from your group presentations to include in the final class presentation.
You will have come up with suggestions, based off of your findings, for
what the school can do for bullying in our school community.
As a class, we will decide on the best digital platform to use during the
school assembly. Each student in the class will have an important piece
of the larger research project for the school assembly.
The collaborative research essay will be 15% of your grade.
The multimodal presentation for the assembly will be 15% of your


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