Students Doe Exhibit 63

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Students Doe Exhibit 63 Agreement for a Demographic Study —— ‘The Lower Mesio School District, a Public School District with its admuinisteative ofBce lovated at 301-8 Montgomery St, Ardmore, PA 19003, hereinafter referred t as the “Distiot™ ad Ross Haber Associates, lac. a Now York Stale Corporation with offices located at 5 Sea ‘Gull Lane, Pot Washington, NY 11050, hereinafter referred to asthe “Consultant.” ‘Atte request ofthe District, the Consultan provided proposal to conduct a démograpic study, ‘The District, tits Board of Education Mecting dated 2008 spproved the Consullsnt to conduct said study. L Services: The Consultant wil provide the following sevies tothe Distt: 1. Eoxoligicat Projections on a istict Wide Basis 2 Barollmeat projections foreach ofthe individoal public schools within the 3. -Ananalysis ad projection forall studeats living with i the District and ‘specifically widkin the atteadanoe zones foc each of the schools (tis includes ‘studeats who atcad the Distict’s schools as well as those who attend private andor parockial schools —peivate and parochial school analysis based wpon availability of data) 4. Barollmeat treads based upon ethaiSty. 5. Enrollment treads based wpoa socio-esonomic factors. & Analysis ofthe cureat attendance zones for all schools. 7. Creation of new attendance zones foc the two high schools o provide more equal ‘balance in the cuollments of bot schools. 8. Auli of he impact on fede ptes onthe eemenay to midlet high 9% ‘ijt fide sl wd cleenary sol atclece 08e based upon necidd changes in feeder pats. ‘Othe factors to be analyzed are the functional and operational capacities ofeach ofthe buildings ‘based upou curreat District policies regarding class sizes and room utilization (c.g —specialty rooms such as act, music, computes), and pre-kindergarten and special needs considerations. o ‘The stady will also examine ways of balancing earollments between buildings. Deliverables: ‘The Consultant will provide the following deliverables: oL Moathly progress reports updating the administration on the status ofthe Project. Meetings betweea the Consultant and District Personne! (both Central ” Office, Building, and School Board) as needed based upon mutually ‘convenieat times. A peetimiacy draft of the final report preseated to the District staff for review. A final repoct providing the Distcict with a narrative along with tables, charts, ad maps supporting the findings of the study. Presentations at School Board meetings concerning redistricting. District Responsibilities: “The District will provide the Consultant with materials necessary to perform the study. ‘This will include, but may not be limited to: Atleast a six-year enrollmeat history of the District. This should be based upon the annual reports filed by the District wit the Peansylvania Department of Education and shold be forthe entire District and for each of the public schools. ‘This data should include not only earollment, but also information regacdiag ethnicity and socio-economic status. b. —_Acopy of the most recent enrollient stndy prepared forthe Distict. ©. Either floor plans for each of the Districts schools and/or a summary of classrooms available in each building. 4. A mip which delineates the current attendance zones for each of the District's schools. & — Adownload fiom the District’s students database, This may be requested several times over the course of the study. The data fields and file format will be provided to the District. TV. Consultant Responsibilities: ‘The Consultant will research the following data: 2. History of peaits for the construction of new residential housing, exclusive of age restricted housing. b. New housing developments which have received approval from the Lower Merion Planning Board. & Birth data atiributable to the District. ‘The Consultant will also obtain a digital map which will be used for locating students, ‘schools, and attendance zones. V. Compensation: As compensation for the secvices as described above the Consultant shall receive $20,000. Payment shall be made as follows: 8. June 30, 2008 (upon submission of the June progress report) $4,000. b, July 31, 2008 (upon submission of the July progress report) $4,000. ©. August 31, 2008 (upon submission of the August progress report) $4,000. a September 3, 2008 (upon submission of September progesreport) © Final payment following final public presentation of thestudy. $4,000. rlhskeg For Lower Metioa S&too! Date For Ross Haber Associates Date Date RIDER TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOWER MERION SCHOOL DISTRICT (‘DISTRICT’) AND ROSS HABER ASSOCIATES, INC. (‘CONSULTANT’) 1. Termination - This agreement may be terminated by either party giving thirty (30) days ‘writtea notice to the other party at the addcess stated above or at an address chosea subsequent to the execution of this agreement and duly communicated to the party giving, notice. 2. Confidentiality - In the pecformance of its duties, Consultant may have aocess to certain of the District's records, including, but not limited to, student records, personnel records ‘and financial records (District Records"); Consultant acknowledges that in performance of its duties under the Contract and in particular when Consultant has access to District Records, Consultant is acting, as an agent of the District; b.- Consultant agrees not to copy, duplicate, retain or disclose any District Records or ‘any information contained therein to anyone in any focmat, other than to a Discict administrator for purposes related to the Consultant's duties forthe District; and Consultant agrees that it will indemnify, defend and hold the District harmless from any claim of loss, including, buy not necessarily limited to any claim for damages ot loss of funding, aising from Consultant's copying, duplication, ‘eteation or disclosure or alleged copying, duplication, retention or disclosure of sy Distcict Records or information contained in any District Records. 3, Other Conditions - As an inducement to the execution of this Agreement by the District and in consideration of the agreemeats to be pecformed by the District, Consultants covenant hat: Qualifications. Consultants are qualified to perform the services to be furnished under this Agreement and are permitted by law to perform such secvices. », Solicitation of Agreement. Consultants have not employed any persoa to solicit ‘his Agreement and have not made and will not make any payment or any ‘agreement for the paymeat of any commission, percentage, brokesage, contingent ‘fee, or other compensation in connection with the procurement of this Agreement. oF ‘and Personnel. Consultants have and will continue to have proper facilities and personne! to perform the secvices and work agreed to be pecformed. IE the Consultants propose to employ any person or persons to perform any of the secvioes which are the subject of this Agreemeat, the employment of such person (or persons for such purpose shall not place the District under any obligation to ‘such employee, nor relieve Consultants of full responsibility forthe faithful performance of the services to be furnished under this Agreement. "OCEAN ‘Memo of Agreement Page tof Collins @ 4. - Assignment. Consultants’ rights, obligations, and duties under this Agreement shall not be assigned in whole or in part. ‘¢. Subcontracting. None of the work or secvices covered by this Agreement shall be subcontracted without the prior approval of the District. £ Records. Consultants shall maintain records of all details with respect tothe services to be performed under this Agreement. All records maintained by ‘Consultants pursuant to this section are subject to review by the District atthe request of the District Superintendent. & Independent Contractor — Consultants agree it isan independent contractor and agrees to perform the work under this agreement as an independcat contractor. ‘Modical, unemployment, life insurance, retirement, social security and other ‘benefits will not be accorded to Consultants ducing the life ofthis agreemeat. The District agrees that manner and means of providing the secvices described are ‘under Consultant's sole control. 4, Notices - All noties to Consultant shall be considered to be propedy given if seat by certified mal to the address specified below, or delivered pecsonally to Consultant Ross Haber Associates, Inc. '$ Sea Gull Lane. e@ Post Washington, NY 11050, All notices or other papers given to the Distt hall be considered to be sufficiently givenif seat by catified mail t: Dr. Michael Kelly 310. Montgomery Avenue “Ardmore, PA 19003 with acopy to: Kenneth A. Roos, Solicitor Wislee Pearistine, LLP 484 Norristown Road Blue Bell, PA 19422 ‘or such other represeatative or address as the District may designate to Consultant in writing e 7am artigo aa Re LOWER MERION SCHOOL DISTRICT By: f| of Date ATTEST: By ROSS HABI \TES, INC. LL. hele > Date ATTEST: ‘By: e Memo of Agrcement Pagedof3 Collins

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