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Design for Learning

Activity Plan- Math

Instructor: Ellie Knox

Grade Level: First Grade

Lesson Title: Measuring

Curriculum Area: Math

Estimated Time: 15-20 Minutes

Standards Connection:
AL.1-MD2. Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units by laying multiple
copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of
an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to
contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no
gaps or overlaps

Learning Objective(s):
Students will demonstrate the correct way to measure the length of an object by using a smaller
object as the standard unit according to a checklist.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:

Today boys and girls, we are going to learn how to measure objects using a smaller object. At the
end of the lesson, you are going to be able to show one other the correct way to measure a bigger
object using a smaller object.

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):

Students will demonstrate the proper way to measure an object. They will be able to identify the
correct way to measure the length of an object using a smaller object as the standard unit. They
will be given a piece of paper and blocks to use to measure the length. As they demonstrate, they

must show that the smaller unit cannot have gaps as it is used to measure or overlap. The
checklist provided explains the three necessary parts of this assessment. Students must receive
3/3 on the checklist provided to be considered proficient and will be placed in the green zone.
Students who receive 2/3 on the checklist will be placed in the yellow zone. Students who
receive 1/3 or less will be placed in the red zone for remediation.

The teacher will welcome the students to the activity plan. She will ask the students first about
fall and their favorite things in fall. Ok boys and girls, will you join me at the table? I want you
to walk quietly over to our table in the corner. I am so excited to talk with you all today and do a
special lesson! We are going to learn a lot and have some fun, but first I have a question. Who
likes fall? No need to talk, but I want you to just give me a thumbs up if you like fall. The teacher
will look around the group. Student H, what is your favorite part of fall? Oh me too! Who else
has a me too for that. The teacher will show the me too sign to the student and will see if
others do as well. Student G, what is your favorite part of fall? Oh, I love that. If the students are
in a small group, the teacher will let every child share his favorite part of fall. Can I share my
favorite part of fall? I love leaves! Who has ever jumped in a pile of leaves. Give me a thumbs up
if you have. The teacher will give the students a few seconds to answer the question. Oh, I see
some of you have! The teacher will hold up a bag of candy corn. Now who likes candy corn? The
teacher will give the students a few seconds to raise their hands. Well guess what? We are going
to use candy corn in our activity today! We are also going to use leaves. The teacher will hold up
a dicut leaf. We are going to see how many candy corn it takes to measure a leaf. Transition to
the activity

Learning Design: (Activity)

Activity Procedures:
The teacher will hand each student the smaller dicut leaf. We are going to measure these leaves
using candy corn. I am going to do the first one with you, and then you are going to practice
doing the next one yourself. Now, before I give you the candy corn, you all have to listen very
carefully. If you eat these now, we will not be able to use them. At the end of the lesson if you all
do your very best, I will give you each a candy corn. So, I am about to pass these out but I want
you to remember what I said. Do not eat the candy corn. The teacher will give the students a
handful of candy corn. Do not open these until I tell you to! Who has ever measured anything
before? The teacher will look at the students to see their responses. Well today, we are going to
use our candy corn to measure leaves. The teacher will hold up a leaf similar to what the other
students have. The teacher will first model the proper way to measure the leaf. Now when we
measure boys and girls, we have to remember three things! Our first point is to measure the

entire object. The teacher will put the leaf on the table in front of her and will point to both ends
of the leaf. When we measure, we have to put candy corn all the way across the leaf, so we know
the exact amount of candy corn that it takes to measure the leaf. Our next point is to make sure
that our candy corn does not overlap. Who knows why that is important? Student K, do you
know why our candy corn cannot overlap? The teacher is looking for the students to say that the
candy corn would not measure the entire leaf, so the measurement would not be correct. You are
right! We have to have an EXACT measurement, so that means that we need to know 100% how
many candy corn it takes to measure the leaf. The teacher will give an example and non-example
of how the candy corn should look. Here is how the candy corn should look. We want our candy
corn to be lined up right after one another. The teacher will line the candy corn one after the
other with the pointed side next to the larger end of the other candy corn. We do not want our
candy corn to be lined up like this. The teacher will place the pointed end of one candy corn over
the fat end of another. Do you see how this overlaps? We do not want that! Can you each show
me with two pieces of candy corn how they should look? The teacher will give the students 10
seconds to model how the candy corn should look. Wow, I am so impressed! Ok, our last point is
that the candy corn cannot have any gaps in between. Who can tell me why that is important?
The teacher is looking for the students to say that the candy corn has to be one after the other to
correctly measure the length. You are right! If there were gaps in our candy corn, then that
would not be a correct measure of the length! Who can show me what our candy corn should
look like? Student F, can you show me? Good job! You all are really doing such a good job with
this. The teacher will first model fully the proper way to measure the leaf. Ok, I am going to do
this first and then we will do it together. So, I am going to lay the leaf sideways, because length
is a measure of how long something is. Next, I am going to get my candy corn and start at the
very end of the leaf. Now, I want to put the fat end of the candy corn facing out but you can do it
the other way if you would like. So, I am going to keep putting candy corn one after the other
until I reach the very end of the leaf. See how I am going in a straight line? Do you see any gaps
or any overlapping? Ok, I am at the very end and I counted the amount of candy corn it takes to
measure. Now, I want you all to try. The teacher will leave her example out for the students to
look and model after. She will watch and make sure that the students are not overlapping or
allowing any gaps as they measure the leaf. The teacher will give plenty of time for the students
to each practice. Once you are finished, I want you to give me a thumbs up. I do not want you to
rush, and I am going to look over your measurement after you complete it. After I say you
measured correctly, I want you to count the number of candy corn and write the measurement on
the sticky note I will give you. Once students give the thumbs up, the teacher will look over the
leaves and make sure there is no overlapping or gaps. Once the students correctly lay the candy
corn, she will then give them a sticky note for them to write their answer. After students are
finished writing their answers, she will ask them to tell her the number that they counted. Great
job everyone! Now I want you to do one more by yourself. The teacher will give a different leaf
to the students and allow them to practice on their own. Now it is your turn to try this. Who can
remind me of our three points that we have to remember while measuring? Student A, can you
give me one? Yes that is right! Student B, can you give me another point? That is correct! And
Student C, can you give me our last point? Wow! Good job everyone! Now, I want you to do the
same thing we did but on your own. When you are finished, I want you to give me a thumbs up
and I will look at your leaf. Once I give you a sticker, I want you to count your candy corn and
write the number it takes to measure the leaf on the sticky note. The teacher will give the students
a few minutes to work on the activity. After students give her a thumbs up, she will give those

who have correctly measured the leaf a sticker. Then, she will give them a sticky note to write
their measurement. Wow, I think you really seem to get it! Now I want you to show me what you
have learned. Transition to the Assessment

The teacher will first explain the checklist to the students explaining what she is looking for them
to do. She will give the students a piece of paper and will give the students blocks to measure the
length of the sheet of paper. You did such a good job measuring the leaves with our candy corn.
Now what we are going to do is the same type of measuring, but I want to see you measure this
piece of paper with these blocks. The teacher will hold up a piece of paper in one hand and the
blocks in the other hand. She will call the students one at a time to share how they measure the
paper. So, here is a checklist that I am going to use as you show me how you measure. I am
looking to make sure that you go from end to end on the length of the paper. I am also looking
for you putting the blocks side by side with no overlapping or gaps. Remember if you give me
your best effort, you will get a candy corn! Ok, I am going to watch you each measure the piece
of the paper with the blocks. The teacher will observe the students. She will walk around the
students and keep a checklist for each student. She will check for each of the points on the
checklist and put a check beside the point if the student correctly does the task.

The teacher will reward the students with a piece of candy corn at the end of the lesson. She will
bring the students back together to the table once every student has completed the assessment.
Wow everyone. I am so impressed by your listening skills and all of your hard work! You all did
such a great job and really showed me your best effort. Like I said, here is a candy corn because
you each worked so hard. The teacher will now ask the students to remind her of the three points
to consider while measuring an object. Give me a thumbs up if you remember one of our points
that we talked about measuring an object. Ok Student H, can you tell me one of them? Correct!
The object that we are using to measure the larger object must start and finish on the edge of the
object. Who can tell me another point? Student D, can you remind us of the second point? You
are right! The smaller object cannot overlap as it is used to measure. Good job! Last, who can
remind us of our final point? Student F, what is it? You are right! The smaller object cannot have
gaps as it measures. The teacher will finish as she tells everyone how proud she is and a
reminder that people can use any object to measure if they remember these three points. Boys
and girls, I am so proud of you all! You did such a great job, and I loved measuring these leaves
with our candy corn! Now, we can measure any object with a smaller object as long as we
remember these three points! The teacher will dismiss the children back to their seats. Ok, first if
you are a girl, you can walk quietly back to your seat. Ok, now if you are a boy you may walk
quietly back to your seat.

Materials and Resources:

Five Dicut leaves of one size
Five printed leaves of one size that varies from the other set
Four blank sheets of paper
A box of blocks
A bag of candy corn
A set of stickers
Four copies of the checklist
8 Sticky Notes

Checklist for Measuring

Name of the Student:_______________________
Did the student measure from one end of the paper to the other end of
the paper?
Yes____ No____
Did the student keep the blocks side by side without overlapping?
Yes____ No____
Did the student keep the blocks side by side without having gaps
between them?
Yes____ No____

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