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Cashion 1 Reid Cashion Professor Lynn M. Raymond Uwe 1103 31 August 2015 My Gast on (kading and( Whiting ‘When Iwas very young Inever realy liked o read, No matter what my parent ried vas never really good a reading nor fond oft at all. They put me through several programs and ot me cnrlled into special clases at school designe around trying to make me a better reader sd wrt These ae al ings that happen once I got ino elementary school, but my ist and sve vid memory Ihave of eading was when I as four or ive years old. This very vivid sndnory forme was one of which my mom trying o teach me how to read and the first book fever read. The ok was tied The Big Pumpkin. The book was about a witch who had grown this enormous pumpkin and she could nat pl it up. Duct this inconvenience as more monsters would walked by they would repeatedly’ say “I am bigger than you and stronger, too. Let me ty.” Until the last monster, a bat, appeared and suggested tat he knew how to pull the pumpkin off the vine, The other monsters all aughed a hrs unt he suggested that they all work together, they attempted the bas method, and it worked. To eelebrate the accomplishment the witch invited them all back to her house where they all shared ina pumpkin pie and finish off by planting another pumpkin seed. At fist my mother would read it to me before bed an the more and more times she read it to me I would pick wp on how she would pronounce certain wont. “The next day I would attempt to read the book myself and whenever I would get stumped or strugaled pronouncing something my nanay would help me, ‘This went on fora coupe of days ‘unl eventually I hd it down. Once was ready when my mom would come into read me a

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