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Teacher: Colleen Keeley

Subject: Positive and Negative Space

Title of Lesson: Notan Designs( Day 2)

Date: September 24, 2015

Grade Level: 6th
Lesson Length:

Overview of the Lesson

Lesson Summary:
In this lesson the students will learn about positive and negative space by
creating a Notan Asymmetric Tessellation
Massachusetts Framework Standards:

2.11 For space and composition, create unified 2D and 3D

compositions that demonstrate an understanding of balance,
repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, unity, harmony, and emphasis.
Create 2D compositions that give the illusion of 3D space and

4.4 Produce work that shows an understanding of the concept of


1.7 Maintain the workspace, materials, and tools responsibly and


Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to

The students will be able to successfully create a Notan design showing
positive and negative space.
1. To learn about Notan.
2. To learn about positive and negative space.
4. To understand about symmetry and asymmetry, and the Principle of Design,
5. To understand the Elements of Art: Space and Shape (Positive and
Materials/Equipment to be Used in Teaching the Lesson:
Construction paper (black and white)
Enduring Understandings:
Big Ideas:
The students will understand the importance of positive and negative

space in a composition.
Good design has a balance of light and dark.
Using the Notan concept of light and dark enhances design.

Positive, Negative Space

Essential Questions:
Where do we see designs in real life that are symmetrical?
What is balance?
Factual Content:
The students will learn about how positive and negative space is an
important concept used in art, they will learn about balance, and
Vocabulary: Notan, Positive Space, Negative Space, Balance, Symmetry, Cut,
Tier 1: Balance, Cut, Mirror
Tier 2: Positive Space, Negative Space
Tier 3: Notan, Symmetry, Contrast
Critical Thinking Skills Reading, Writing, Speech, Listening, Other
Critical Thinking Skills - What key skills will be taught or practiced in this
The students will practice making a design symmetrical.
The students will create abstract designs.
Assessments (Performance Tasks/Tests/Quizzes Formative/Summative,
Assessment: (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening)
Performance tasks:
I am going to show the students a series of pictures asking them to write down what the
first thing they saw was, then after I reveal the 2 possible options in the picture im going to
explain negative and positive space. For the rest of the pictures they are going to have to
tell me what the positive and negative space are in each picture.

The students will fill out a worksheet that goes along with the PowerPoint to first learn
about the information being presented.
Then the students will create a Notan design showing their understanding of Positive
space, Negative space, and Contrast.

Action/Instructional Procedures
Anticipatory Set



Small Group Demo:

1. Bring the class around one table to review again
drawing out a rough draft sketch on their worksheet,
and then drawing it out on a bigger white piece of
paper so they can then eventually start practice
cutting and flipping their pieces.
2. Really express how they should work slow to draw out
their designs AND DRAW BIG.
3. Every one should have a theme to their project, and
every thing they draw should be related to it.
4. Talk about how if they want their object to be one
whole object when its cut and flipped, then that object
needs to be symmetrical. But if they have something
that isnt symmetrical then they need to draw it all
inside the box and when they cut it out, they will have
2 whole objects. (show my example)
5. (same as step 1)Rough Draft Cuts: Give everyone a
piece of white paper and show how they will practice
drawing and panning out their images and cuts. When
they cut something out have the students us the black
table surface as their background so they can get a
sense of what it will look like when they do their final
copy. This will take all of the class time and even
another day before moving onto the steps of the final
Work Period:
6: The students will return to their seats and continue to

1. Attendance
2. Homework
3. Review: Ask the students who can
remember what the project were working
on and important things we want to
remember when creating them.
Procedures/Transitio Procedures:

create their designs, if they complete their first practice

example on the worksheet and practice cutting out their

Clean Up: The students need to put their

worksheets away in their folders and return their
folders to the cabinet.

n Activities
The Lesson Plan


The Students


did I learn today about:

What went well?
What areas of weakness need addressing?
What could have been done to improve this lesson?
Which objectives were met? What is the evidence?
Which students did not meet objectives? Why?
What did you do well in this lesson?
What areas of weakness need addressing?
What could be done to provide better instruction in
the future?
Were you pleased with the performance of the
What did they do well? What did they struggle with?
What can be done to help them do better in the

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