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Aubree Wells


My topic is the extinction of polar bears. The reason being

there habitat is also becoming extinct so they have nowhere to
live this is because of global warming and melting of snow and
ice. Basically there are not as many polar bears as there used to
be and if the ice keeps melting there wont be any left. This is not
only effecting the polar bears it effects other wildlife in general
such as seals and other animals the polar bears feed on because
those animals could overpopulate. Will my children ever get to
see a polar bear? The only type of polar bear I have seen are the
ones at the zoo, but will those even be around in 10 years? Polar
bears might be able to adapt to other climates but it will be
difficult. Could they live in a forest like other regular bears? I
mostly intend to inform you of how long polar bears have if global
warming keeps on going the way that it is. Also how many polar
bears are still around and why the ice melting really effects them
so much. For me this is an important topic because polar bears

are fascination creatures and it would really stink if they went

extinct. Along with any other creature. I hope someday my kids
will get to see a polar bear.

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