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Date: October 28, 2015

To: Dr. Susan Wood, Department Chair of English and Communication
From: Juan Gutierrez and Michael Muilenburg
Subject: Solicited Proposal for Business Communication Workshop for Local Low-Income
Business Owners

Currently most small business owners that are located around the town of Anthony, New Mexico
are conducting their business in the city of El Paso. They are generally conducting small level
contracting in the form of general maintainers for home owners within the city limits of El Paso.
These small business owners are currently at a disadvantage with the larger contracting
businesses due to the fact that most do not know how to properly advertise their services and that
most of these contractors do not know how to properly read or make their own diagrams for
those jobs that require extensive knowledge in specific jobs.
We propose that we can fix this problem by offering a two day workshop to a total of twelve
people, and will be conducted in one of the classrooms at the Gadsden campus during the
Christmas break. We will be teaching how to make broachers that properly advertise their
services and how to read and make diagrams by lecturing on the proper ways to make their
brochures look professional and through class participation. This workshop will last for just two
days for an hour each day. The workshop will begin on the 12th of December at 10:00 in the
morning and again on the 13th of the same month but this class will start at 2:00 in the afternoon
so that these potential students can still attend their places of worship. The workshop will start
off with a brief lecture on why advertising their business is more professional looking with
brochures, the proper ways to make them, what kind of illustrations they should consider using,
colors and why they are important, and locations for distribution. This lecture will last for 20
minutes while the rest of the time the students will start making their own brochures with us
directing them on what the lecture just covered. On the second day again we will start with a
lecture about how to make and read diagrams and why they are an important tool for them while
conducting those jobs that require such diagrams in the first place. This lecture will be for just 15
minutes and the rest of the time for student participation in the making of these diagrams. After
this workshop is completed we are going to give each student our business cards which have our

Juan Gutierrez and Michael Muilenburg

October 28, 2015

names and phone numbers so that way these students can still get our level of instruction in these
two matters for the duration of our stay at this educational institution.
Alred Gerald J., Charles Brusan T., and Walter Oliu E. Business and Technical Writing. Boston
MA. Beuford/St. Martin. 2006: This book contains information about the proper way to complete
both brochures and diagrams.
This workshop can be completed with an outstanding success. If only we as the local community
can come together and lend a helping hand to those who need it the most, then this community,
as a whole can accomplish anything. If these potential students where to participate in this
workshop and their business starts to become more profitable because of what they learned, then
the potential for them to expand their business is more attainable and the possibility of these
businesss to start hiring people will in the long term reduce unemployment and the financial
gain that these new employs will have can then be used to help finance their childrens higher
education goals. If we are to do nothing and just let this pass than the future potential of not only
the community suffering but the potential loss of future students attending this fine school.
We have chosen to teach this workshop because we are capable and eager enough to help our
local community. As of right now Mr. Gutierrez has a GPA of 3.2 in Business Communication
and Mr. Muilenburg has a GPA of 4.0 in the same course. We were instructed by one of your
finest instructors in Business Communication and that was Mr. Quintana. So who better to teach
this workshop than two of your finest students?
The resources that will be needed for this workshop is minimal. We already have permission
from Mr. Garcia the Gadsden campus manager to utilize room 243 for the specific time frame,
The only cost that is foreseeable is the cost of paper and ink for the printer and the estimate for
that as of right now is $8.00 for 500 sheets of paper and $40.00 for the ink. According to our
calculations that is enough paper and ink to cover 200 of these workshops. Paper and ink will be
the only cost that this workshop will require.
As of this time, this workshop has the potential to not only help our local community by helping
those in need with the proper resources and knowledge to be more competitive but it also has the
potential to keep more people residing here in Anthony and for those familys to also in the
future have either themselves or their offspring attend our great school. This program will not
only help us now but also for the future to come. We thank you for your time and hope that your
decision is the right one for this community.

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