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Teacher: Mrs.

Paige Kirk
Grade Level/Subject Area: Special Education Grade 1
Standard: Common Core English Language Arts L.5a: Student will be able to sort words
into categories (e.g. color, clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts that categories represent.
Learning Objective: Given a various words, students will be able to create a category
and its items and sort out what goes into a given category, with the understanding of of the
concept of categories through creating one.
Required Materials: Sort it Out by Barbara Mariconda, SMARTBoard, a sheet of
paper for the assessment
Anticipatory Set: Students will start by trying to figure out what the word category
means when asked What is a category?. The teacher will go over what a category means, and
then the class will move on to read a book about categories. The book being read is Sort it Out
by Barbara Mariconda, and will be read aloud by the teacher to the class. Students will be given
the learning objective of Today we will be learning about categories; what a category is, what
goes in it, and how to make one. Lets get started!

Instruction: What is being taught? This should include the presentation of new material and
guided practice/modeling of expectation.
-The class will review the definition of a category and a few examples.
-The class will then read Sort it Out! by Barbara Mariconda aloud.T
-The class will then go over examples of categories, slide #5 is the category red.
-Slide 6 is an example of an alphabet category.
-3 students will get chosen to poke the animal which will make a noise. The class will then
guess the categories they fit in. The categories are animals, four legs, make noise, brown, furry
-A student will be chosen to find what does not belong in the ocean, and poke what does not
belong. The man on the bike does not belong.
-8 students will be chosen to decide What belongs in the backpack and get to put the word into
the back back. The words that belong are Pen, book, pencil, lunch, crayon, water bottle, paper,
ruler. The words that do not belong are Dog, shoe, chair, and Mrs. Kirk.
-9 students will be chosen to answer What belongs in the barn? The correct answers are Hay,
horse, shovel, chicken, tractor, cow, dirt, pig, and goat. The incorrect answers are Baby, cloud,
fish, and purple.
-12 students will be chosen to write on the board one word that fits into the living things
-12 more studetns will be chosen to write on the board one word that fits into the nonliving
things category.
-The students will then play a game of Guess the category and have to guess what category the
items are in.

Independent Practice/Assessment: How will each students level of mastery

for the chosen standard be measured?
The studens will be assessed by each creating their own category and filling it in with 5 correct
items. 3 students will be chosen to come up to the board and demonstrate what they wrote for
their assessment. The class will get the opportunity to think of new items that can go in the
categories also.

Closure: What is the wrap-upactivity?

The wrap- up activitiy will be reviewing and answering the question What is a category?
which was reviewed in the beginning of the lesson. The teacher will give the opportunity for
students to answer in their own words what a category is. They will then review the definition for
a category once more.

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