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Mahdi Alzaki
Composition 2
Arabic Food and American Food
Food is an imperative part of life and a basic need for every human being. Since there are
numerous types of foods and millions of recipes on how to prepare meals, people can enjoy food
in very diverse ways. Usually, meals fluctuate according to culture and at times religion. Hence,
the difference between Arabic and American food that is distinct concerning methods of
preparation, presentation and the type of spices used in both cases. Drinks are also a part of the
discussion since it is hard to enjoy good food without an amazing drink. Festive seasons also
define food because people prepare certain meals during particular holidays. Although
technology and improvements in infrastructure allow the export and import of food produce, the
type of food enjoyed by a region is also determined by the geographical conditions of their
Hospitality is key to Middle Eastern culture, and home cooks spend more hours,
preparing delicious and impressive dishes for family feasts. Grains play a pertinent and versatile
role in the diet, and most people should incorporate it more into their diet. The difference
between the Saudi Arabia and American food is eminent. People in the US prefer fast food more
than any other type of food "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal "
(Schlosser, Eric).They like steak more and constitute in most of their diet. But in Saudi Arabia,
people prefer meat together with rice such as Mandy, kasbah, Araby, and mathlotha. Although
fast foods are good and save much time because they are always ready and prepared, people

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should not take them in excess following the health implications that are associated with it. Fast
foods mostly contain too little nutrition and too many calories. If fast food becomes a regular
component in the diet, people will struggle with ill health and weight problems "Fast Food
Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (Schlosser, Eric). Both the American and
Saudi Arabia food constitute fats that are the largest component of calories.
Middle East cuisines are diverse and tend to change depending on the country. Some
dishes are specifically for one region and the techniques of flavoring changes from one country
to another. Similarity however exists, and there are some dishes that are more popular in almost
the entire of Middle East "Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (Thaker,
Aruna, and Arlene Barton). Chickpeas and Olives are usually used in cooking, and flatbreads like
pita are popular in the Middle East countries. Certain dietary are adhered to since most of the
Middle East countries are Muslim subscribers. Pork products and alcohol are prohibited. Lamb,
beef, and chicken are common protein choices, and sometimes, chunks of this meat are skewered
with vegetables and prepared as kebabs. Cheese and yogurt are specially prepared and utilized in
cooking. Soup and accompaniment dishes prepared with beans, lentils and pepper are oftenly
served with the main course. Essentially, Middle Eastern dishes are aromatic and flavorful and
use spices such as nutmeg, caraway, cumin and turmeric to attain strong flavors that are different
to the cooking of the region.
The cuisine of the United States depicts its history. There are cooking styles and
ingredients that were introduced by the European colonizers of the Americas. The earlier Native
Americans used some cooking techniques in earlier American Cuisine "Multicultural Handbook
of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (Thacker, Aruna, and Arlene Barton). The American cooking
incorporates some regional and ethnic techniques into a totally new technique. For instance, hot

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dogs are German and Spaghetti is Italian. The most popular meal among children is the spaghetti
that is constituted in it slices of hot dogs. Also, there are some dishes that are considered to be
American but in the real sense they have their origin from other countries. American chefs and
cooks have been changing dishes over the years to an extent that, most of the dishes that are
enjoyed in the entire world are considered American. Hamburgers and hotdogs are all German
dishes, but due to their popularity in America, they are now considered to be American dishes.
Pizza, on the other hand, is based on the Italian tradition. Ideally speaking, this is what brings the
difference between the Middle Eastern food And the American food. The American foods trace
their origin from different regions of the world whereas Middle Eastern has their techniques of
preparing their dishes.
Much Middle Eastern resides in the United States. They emigrate either for political
reasons, prior emigration of their family members or to advance schooling, the many
professionals and students who emigrate from these regions often come from rich families and
thus, they are cosmopolitan in their eating habit. It is evident that the length of stay in the United
States is directly proportional to Americanization of their diet. Traditional meals tend to be
prepared and consumed for special occasions A Celebration of Our Nation's Most Treasured
Dishes, from Coast to Coast (Stewart, Martha ). Foods that are popular among the middle
eastern countries Saudi Arabia being inclusive includes; legumes, wheat, rice, lamb, olives and
dates. Most daily products in Saudi Arabia are consumed in fermented forms, such as cheese and
yogurt. Whole milk is used in puddings and desserts. Fete cheese is the most popularly consumed
Lamb is the most commonly consumed meat. Pork is only consumed by the Christians.
The majority of the north easterners do not incorporate daily products with their meals. Kosher

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beef, herring, kosher poultry, sardines and Lox are also popular foods. Legumes such as
chickpeas, black beans, red beans, navy beans and lentils are used in many dishes. Some form of
rice or wheat is accompanied by each meal. Unleavened bread, pita bread, and Matzoh are
popular and readily available in the American markets. In many dishes, Filo dough that is used to
prepare baklava is also used. Fruits tend to be consumed as snacks "Martha's American Food: A
Celebration of Our Nation's Most Treasured Dishes, from Coast to Coast (Stewart, Martha).
Fresh fruits are preferred. Fruits made into compotes and jams are eaten consumed if fresh fruits
are not available. The most commonly consumed vegetables are eggplant. Vegetables and fruits
are stuffed with meat or rice. Black and green olives are incorporated in many dishes, and olive
oil is commonly used in food preparation.
The Arabic cuisine is mainly constituted by Middle Eastern, Indian and Mediterranean
food. Formal celebrations and dinner normally entail large quantities of veal, rice, and chicken,
dishes seasoned with a variety of spices and herbs, stewed vegetables with tomato sauce. Several
other salads and dishes are included "Arabic Recipes | Arabian Food & Cuisines (Banna, Salma)
Tea is inescapable and is the most preferred hot drink and constantly consumed. Coffee is as well
used. The Middle Eastern diet constitutes many ingredients that are not only used in the
American kitchen, such as fava beans, sesame seed and olive oils, feta cheese, lentil soup, and
dates. Some of the Arabic dishes requires more preparation time, such as the stuffed Zucchini,
stuffed grape leaves, green cabbage or peppers.
The American cuisine is determined by the variation in climate, immigrant and the
neighboring countries and ingredients availability. Weather conditions affect the style of cooking
in the United States just as it is in other parts of the world. The American cuisine constitutes
American sandwich bread, American chop suey, and American curried beef. The cocktail is

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served alongside these foods. The Americans celebrates their food at different occasions, for
instance, eating a hot dog at the ballgame. In addition, there are other important occasions that
are celebrated by the Americans; such as the cheese festival, the world chicken festival, and the
chocolate festival.
Muslims Arabs do not consume alcohol or pork meat. Although in many Arabic countries
such as Egypt, Syria and Lebanon and Iraq sell pork meat and a variety of alcohol and liquors
because the Christian Muslims consume these products. The word halal is used to describe the
meat product that has been ritually slaughtered. Bread is highly preferred in the Arab world. It is
an essential ingredient that is incorporated in the Arabic cuisine "Arabic Recipes | Arabian Food
& Cuisines (Banna, Salma). It is used alongside salads or in certain dishes. While the American
use cocktail as a refreshing drink, the Arabs use yogurt that is made from sheep, goat or cows
milk and prepared in different ways to act as refreshment. The yogurt is drained and thickened as
a condiment. Also, it is diluted with water as a refreshing drink. Meat lamb is used in many
Arabic countries, although some Arabic countries use veal more than lamb. A baby lamb stuffed
with spiced rice is the most priced dish that any Arabian house can serve to their guests.
The most preferred American dishes are the fried chicken and the smothered pork chop.
Vegetables are always accompanied with yams, squash, the turnip greens, the collards, the Cole
slaw and the watermelon Two for the Road: Our Love Affair with American Food, (Stern,
Jane, and Michael Stern). The hot vinegar paper is used for the greens. Lemon icebox pie and
dish of banana pudding are evident in the American dishes. These foods are quite different from
the dishes found in the Middle East. If they are similar, then the ingredients and mode of
preparation are different.

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Grinding, frying, stewing, and grilling are the most common ways of preparing meat. A
full roasted lamb is usually a special dish that is prepared during festive gatherings. Seasonings
and spices are essential in the preparation of South Arabian dishes. Common herbs and spices
include; mint, garlic, cinnamon, dill, parsley, pepper and Oregon. In food preparation, olive oil is
The American cuisine has been due to the influence of the Native Americans and the
Europeans. Today there are foods that are regarded as Americans but in the real sense they are
not Americans. They are products of other regions "Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition
and Dietetics (Thacker, Aruna, and Arlene Barton). Foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato
chips, cheese, Macaroni and meat loaf. The American apple pie has come to be authentically
regarded as American. There are also types of food and techniques of cooking that are specific to
a region. The southern technique of cooking is referred to as American comfort food. And
involves dishes such as collard greens, fried chicken, corn bread and black-eyed peas. In Texas,
the most popular technique is the Tex-Mex and in the southwest, is a mixture of Mexican and
Spanish cooking techniques and involves items such as burritos and chill and depends on
shredded beans and cheese. Jerky dried meats that are served in the American dishes were
created in the United States.
Just as the Americans celebrate their food on different occasion and festive, the Arabic
countries too, have food for every special occasion. In the Middle East, food has a critical role in
the social interactions especially in the observation of the religious traditions. The major
Christian festive is the Christmas, Lenten and Easter seasons that precede the Christmas. The
major Muslim holiday is the feast of the Hijri New Year, the Eid that marks the end of the month
of Ramadhan and that mark the pilgrimage season to Mecca. Also special functions such as

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marriage, death, and birth of a child brought people together to share their experiences and on
each special dish were served relevant to the occasion
Food is an essential commodity to humanity. There are various types of dishes that are
preferred by different people. It is a personal choice on the type of food to consume, but it is our
responsibility as well to take care of the foods we eat. We should strive to eat foods that will
make us healthy and those that expose us to less risk of health problems. In our diet, we should
incorporate more greens and fruits. Animal products and foods that have high Cholesterol
contents should be reduced in our dishes due to health implications that are associated with such

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Work cited
Banna, Salma. Arabic Cuisine: Foods from the Middle East. Paris, France?: FitSoft, Mobipocket
eBooks, 2009. Print.
Salma Bannas book is an easy to understand text with immense information on Arabic
cuisines. It also has recipes that can help beginners and people who are not familiar with Arabic
meals. Nonetheless the text can also assist people with experience in making Arabic foods to add
to their skills. This article is credible, and the author is famous especially in food subject

Sabry, Somaya S. Arab-american Women's Writing and Performance: Orientalism, Race and the
Idea of the Arabian Nights. London: I.B. Tauris, 2011. Internet resource.
The writers are women who have a share of both American and Arabic culture. Thus they
have firsthand experience with both cuisines and therefore comfortably explain about both. In
addition they provide the reader with possible ways to merge Arabic cuisines with American and
foods from both cultures. This article is really helpful to get perfect information.
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Mariner
Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Print.
Based on the immense love and appreciation of Americans for fast food, Eric Schlosser takes
time enlighten the reader on the side effects of these meals. As such, one is able to be cautious of
the tastey foods .Conversely, the writer does not aim at demoralizing those who eat these foods
but cautions against too much of it. This suores is useful for my essay, there are great

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Stern, Jane, and Michael Stern. Two for the Road: Our Love Affair with American Food. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print.
Stern and Jane have done justice to the American cuisine, not only did they manage to
capture a variety of foods but they also shared several recipes. As such this detailed piece of
article showcases the diversity of foods enjoyed in different states of America. In addition, the
text manages to capture the exuberance that one can experience from enjoying American food.
The authors have a lot of credible research.
Stewart, Martha. Martha's American Food: A Celebration of Our Nation's Most Treasured
Dishes, from Coast to Coast. New York: Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2012. Print.
Martha being a celebrated author and presenter in American food has managed to use this
book to explain about the myriad delicacies in America. Martha does not only engage in the
ordinary fast foods but also talks about the authentic American food. Methods of preparation and
presentation, ingredients used and the cost involved are among the aspects that she discusses
which can help one to prepare the foods even at home.
Thaker, Aruna, and Arlene Barton. Multicultural Handbook of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics.
Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Print.
The text contains information concerning different cuisines from different cultures in the world.
However, its take on Arabic cuisines is particularly very thorough and impressive. It usefully
directly relates to my topic. The exceptional details concerning recommendable portions and
diets are very calculated and one can trust the book to guide in healthy eating.
Banna, Salma. Arabic Cuisine: Foods from the Middle East. Paris, France?: FitSoft, Mobipocket
eBooks, 2009. Print.
Salma Bannas book is an easy to understand text with immense information on Arabic

Alzaki 10

cuisines. It also has recipes that can help beginners and people who are not familiar with Arabic
meals. Nonetheless the text can also assist people with experience in making Arabic foods to add
to their skills.most of the articles that can find it is such as this article , because it is not familiar
with Arabic food.
Sabry, Somaya S. Arab-american Women's Writing and Performance: Orientalism, Race and
the Idea of the Arabian Nights. London: I.B. Tauris, 2011. Internet resource.
The writers of the book are women who have a share of both American and Arabic culture. Thus
they have firsthand experience with both cuisines and therefore comfortably explain about both.
In addition they provide the reader with possible ways to merge Arabic cuisines with American
and foods from both cultures.

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