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Aubree Wells

Annotated Bibliography

(n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This source is about global warming and how it effects polar
bears. It discusses that since there is an increase in ice melting that
effects the polar bear by giving it less places to live and less food
sources. This also effects the polar bears body conditions because they
are used to really cold weather it is really hard on their body since the
weather is becoming warmer.
This source is not very credible. There is a lot of data that this
article gives but it doesnt cite any of its sources so you arent really
clear where all the data came from. There is also no bibliography on
this essay so you dont really even know who the author is. I dont
believe that this website is very credible because of all these facts that
I just stated.

2. Global Warming and Polar Bears - National Wildlife Federation. (n.d.).

Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This article is also on global warming and its effects on polar
bears. But this website doesnt only talk about global warming effects
on polar bears its also talks about its effects on other animals. For
example, it talks about how it will effect seals and other animals that
live in the artic. Animals that polar bears feed on are also effects.
This source is not very credible. It discusses how the arctic ice
extent in January 2011 was at its lowest but it doesnt exactly tell you
where it got this information from, this being said there is some faulty
reasoning in the source. There is no works cited on the article/website.
I dont believe this source is very credible because of all these fact that
I previously stated.
3. BOOK REVIEW: The Age of Global Warming: A History. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 20, 2015, from
This source is a book and it is also about global warming and
how it effects polar bears. It doesnt only discuss global warming and
its effects on polar bears it talks about global warming in general. It is
more widely information so you can see what global warming is and
how it is effecting things in general not just polar bears.

This source in my eyes is pretty credible. Considering it is a book

there couldnt be many unsupported claims or anything. There is also
no bias in the book but how could there be bias over a topic about
global warming. I believe this source is credible because its a book
and it uses all of its own information.

4. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This is a source discussing how climate change is effecting polar
bears. In this article they discuss climate change (some could see this
as global warming) and how it is effecting animals such as polar bears.
They discuss how it is hard on polar bears because they arent used to
the warm weather and it is hard for them to adjust. Also polar bears
have recently been seen as endangered.
This source is credible to me because is technically an academic
website so the information you find there is always reliable. There is no
bias in this article. There arent any unsupported claims and it gives
works cited. I believe this source is credible because not only is it an
academic website but it gives works cited so you know where they got
all there information.
5. Integrative and Comparative Biology. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This source talks about how the warming of the climate has
impacted polar bears. It not only discusses how polar bears are
effected right now by the warming climate but it also talks about how
they will be effected in the future by it. It discusses how the sea ice
changes will lead to shifts which will impact polar bears.
This source is credible because it is on an academic website so
the information is reliable. There is no bias in this article. Also when it
gives examples from other websites it does a really good job of citing
it. It is also up to date so you know that all the information is current. I
believe this source is credible because it cites the information it uses
from other sites and it is up to date.
6. Impact of climate change on polar bears. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015,
This source discusses the impact of climate change on polar
bears. It discusses how in the winter they have to eat and save up
energy for the warmer weather because that is when polar bears

hibernate. But since there has been a huge climate change there isnt
really a clear winter so this is hard on polar bears.
I do not believe that this source is very credible. It does not give
a bibliography or a works cited. So where did they get all this
information? You dont know because they dont give a works cited so
how can you site this website without knowing where they got their
information. I do not believe this source is credible for the following
reasons that I just stated.
7. Polar Bear Population Decline a Wake Up Call for Climate Change Action.
(2014, November 17). Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This source discusses how there is a need for climate change because
polar bears are about to become extinct. Polar bear uses the ice to access the
seals that they feed on and without that ice they are unable to get there food
supply. People also effect climate change so you should do anything that you
can to help the polar bears.
I do believe this is a credible source. Reason being because it cites its
sources so you know where it got all this information that it is telling you. Also
it is website many about animals so they obviously know a lot about the
8. Gorman, J. (2014, September 22). For Polar Bears, a Climate Change Twist.
Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This source talks about how the climate twist is effecting polar bears.
Since the climate is changing it leaves the polar bears with less time to hunt
and gather the seals that they are going to eat in the warm weather of
summer. Since they are having to come back to the shores sooner they arent
getting to eat as many seals. Fortunately for them this is the time the geese
are breading on the shore.
I do believe that this source is credible but it is only a newspaper
article so I dont know how many scientists would be interested in using it. It
doesnt give any works cited but I do believe that the author found the
information on his own. There are no faulty reasoning. I would use this source
for an essay because the information is truthful and seems very useful.
9. Will Polar Bears Die Out Because of Climate Change? (2013, December 3).
Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This article is discussing the matter of if polar bears will die out
because of the climate change or not. Since the ice is melting it really effects

the polar bears. The sea ice is crucial for polar bears to live. If there isnt
much ice then who really knows what will happen to the polar bears.
This source is very credible. It gives many references where it got all
its information so you know that there are no faulty claims. You can also tell
that there is no bias in this article. Since it gives the works cited this makes
the article 10x more likely to be used.
10.Polar Bears and Climate Change. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015, from
This article discusses polar bear and the climate change. The polar
bears live and adapt on the ice, since the ice is melting it drastically effects
the polar bears. They are having to adapt their looks and their diet to comply
for this new found problem. Their fur is becoming more of yellow color
instead of white so they blend in more with their surroundings.
This article is very credible because it gives works cited. They only
reason I would find this source unreliable is that it isnt very up to date. There
is no bias. But I dont really know if I believe that the bears fur is actually
turning yellow so there might be some faulty claims.

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